Saturday, January 31, 2009

Reason # 534 why freecycle annoys me!

I think the idea of freecycle is awesome. I get annoyed with some of the request people ask for so I just don't read them! I hardly ever ask for anything on there unless I really have a need for it. Yesterday I was online and I was checking my email and a freecycle offer popped up for a trundle. I immediately responded. I didn't offer any sad story of why I needed it. I just simply said I'd like to have it and could pick it up. I knew I was the first one to reply to it and felt pretty sure that I'd get it... right? Isn't it first come first serve or what? Guess not! I didn't hear from her until just now. She said it was taken. I guess I'm annoyed b/c I know some people give these crazy sob stories of why they need/want something. I don't think it should be that way. I think it should be first come first serve b/c what other way are you going to decide who deserves what. I don't want anything out of pitty therefore I don't feel like I should give anyone any explanition of why I want something. And if you're worried that someone's going to get something and resale it then you probably shouldn't give stuff away on freecyle cause its gonna happen. I'd never do it but I'm sure there's folks out there that do it.

okay so i'm done. just my little rant for the day :)


Anonymous said...

Whatthe heck is a trundel?

Nicole said...

trundel... a pop up bed that rolls underneath another bed... ya know the one under the day bed. I need one to put in the boys room b/c Darcy has started sleeping in there.

Staci said...

I gave up the Freecycle business when I moved to NC. It worked great in Seguin, but not here. I will pray you find a trundle! maybe on Craigslist?

native-nc said...

Our freecycle puts up warnings ALL the time saying NO sobs stories but every once in a while the "moderators" still put it through. I blame it on the moderators.