Thursday, January 08, 2009

Getting Ready

I'm ready. Ready and waiting.... waiting for Matthew to get here so I can head to class. I'm excited... ready to go! I got my pens in my purse and my notebook ready. My books haven't come in yet and I'm a little nervous about NOT having my books but I've been told thats normally how it is. I like to be prepared. I called a friend and asked her what I was supposed to wear. She said DO NOT DRESS UP OR YOU'LL LOOK LIKE A DORK! So I'm wearing my Florida shirt and jeans.

Speaking of Florida.... my boys are playing tonight and this is the first time this year I'm going to miss the game!

My hubby is married to a college Freshman!!!

Do you think I'd look like a dork if I took my camera???? LOL


amyelizabeth said...

have fun at school! you'll be great.

Staci said...

Take your camera. Everyone there will probably have a camera phone no doubt. So yeah you might be a dork but you will be a dork with pictures of other dorks. LOL.

I'm so proud of you Nicole. You inspire me!If I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, I'd go to school myself!

native-nc said...

Sooooooooooooo, how was it???????

Vickie said...

Yeah! How was it?