Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Phone Conversation with my hubby

ring ring

me: hello
hubby: guess what?
me: what
hubby: you're never gonna guess this
me: what??
hubby: I'm stuck in the elevator
me: WHAT!!!! how long have you been in there??
hubby: at least 5 minutes
me: OMG!!! are you alone?
hubby: no the elevator driver is in here too

at this point I can hear the elevator guy screaming in the background while on the phone

me: okay well don't do anything stupid or dangerous... keep me informed!

I hang up and make a few phone calls... prayer request! Tara ask me what floor so I called him back. He's stuck on the 6th floor. Another 5 minutes went by... I called him back just as the doors were opening. Big sigh of relief!!! He's safe and sound and on his way home!!!!

I've always thought it would be cool to be stuck on an elevator but after a few minutes I'm sure I wouldn't be amused anymore! LOL He didn't seem to be. He was more worried about making it home in time for me to be at school!! love him!


native-nc said...

I don't think I'd enjoy even the first five minutes!

Staci said...

I have a fear of elevators. So that would not be cool. There was a guy that got stuck in one for over 48 hours. Can you imagine?

~Crystal~ said...

I would have freaked & then tried to not visualize me crashing to my death.