Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Sorry Vickie... after spending many hours over the weekend (including yesterday) I had to take a break. Not to mention I'd been begging a friend of mine to go with me and she committed to this day and I had to go. I took Jessica with me and we had a good time. She also had a good time on her trip.

I'll be honest b/c this is my blog and I can be! My english class is going good. Not what I expected but going good none the less. My psychology class is interested but overwhelming. I didn't get my book until Thursday afternoon. And by now we're supposed to have read through Chapter 4. Each chapter is very long and filled with stuff that I'm supposed to learn. He gave us a hand out for chapters 1 & 2 and so far thats the only chapters we've discussed in class. The hand outs are basically what we need to know. But then there's a list of vocabulary to learn too. I thought I'd try to catch up on reading but I think I'm going to give up on that and just start at where I'm supposed to be at this point. B/c again... each chapter is very long. I figured I'd just learn the handouts. I'm worried that the test are going to have so much stuff on them that I'm going to freak out! Whatever happened to covering one chapter at a time and then having a test???

I'm sure I'm going to be fine... thats what I have to keep telling myself. Thankfully my husband is a good encourager. I love him to death and I'm realizing it more and more each day.

going to go now... gotta study while the kids are napping.

oh... my nephew Cody is having tubes put in his ears tomorrow morning. Pray for him and for my sister... she's a little worried :)


Jen said...

You are going to do great! And to be completely honest.... very few people actually read the entire book. I NEVER read the entire book that I was supposed to for any class... there I admit it. Just take some time and skim over it, that will make you feel better. Then when he goes over it in class you will know just enough to be familiar with it.

Unknown said...

michael reads the whole book, but he's a really big nerd!! He's the only one I know that can actually sit and read the whole book and get actually remember what he reads!