Thursday, January 15, 2009

not so good

Tuesday night in class i began coughing and by Wednesday morning I was feeling it big time in my chest and my back was sore too! I went and worked out yesterday morning but I wanted to quit more than once. Every breathe I took was a really cool crisp breathe that hurt. I stuck it out but today I did not attempt to go to the gym. I have class tonight and I'm going to spend the day resting.

my books still haven't come in yet!

i have a ton of pics to post but I haven't sat down in my office since getting a lap top and thats the computer that has all my pics stored!

oh and i have a paper to write for psychology... its due feb 26th. i was given a list of topics and i think i'm going to do mine on OCD. whatcha think?


native-nc said...

You should interview my SIL on the OCD subject. She definetly has some insider info! LOL.

Zeke & I are also snot nosed. I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose & headache.....WEATHER, WEATHER.

Staci said...

Yes OCD is good. I've done some research on that myself!