Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My sister's husband is highly allergic to bee stings. He should wear a medical id bracelet but he doesn't. Any sort of insect bites to him are waaaaaay harsher on him than on me. I've seen his whole hand swell up before over an ant bite!!!!

One time I tried to swat at a wasp in the house and it stung the fire out of me. A few days later I got attacked in my front yard while trimming the hedges!!! I hate wasp/bees!!!!

1 comment:

Staci said...

I am suppose to wear one too, but I don't. I'm allergic to codine, and that is the main pain killer they give you at the doctors or hospital! If I were not able to speak, they would give it to me... because I don't wear a med id bracelet! I need to get something! maybe a necklace.