Tuesday, January 29, 2008

graphic email

I sent out an email today that I had gotten from another parent. It had pictures from a car accident of a young man that had been killed while texting on his cell phone. The pics were pretty graphic. The man was cut in half. I wasn't trying to offend anyone by forwarding this email. I was really just trying to pass the message of pay attention. I received several different responses about it. So if you received my email and were offended - i'm truly sorry. It was not my intentions.

Recently I had asked some young people about texting while driving and I was very shocked to hear them say that they did it all the time. Maybe getting that email will prevent at least one person from doing something other than driving while driving.


native-nc said...

That email made me sick to my stomach but I still passed it on to my mother & told her to share it with my youngest brother who just got his liscense. I hope he NEVER texts while driving!

Vickie said...

It was very graphic and shocking but.......I think it should been seen as well because people don't realize how FRAGILE our bodies are life are. We take things for granted. It only takes an moment to change things forever. I as well will pass it on.

Anonymous said...

I stand by my comment to you that it was nothing to be sorry about. The subject line warned graphic content, the second sentence in RED and BOLDED warned "if you have a weak stomach.." then before the graphic photos it had another warning in almost 30 point font - red and bolded - "ATTENTION". Anyone who scrolled past that and was offended, it is their own fault. It's like their own personal Pandora's box - they were warned not to open it and still did - their choice. Nobody forced them to scroll further.
I have a freidn who constantly text messages me while he is driving. Once he ended up hitting someone, but luckily he was in traffic and not moving quickly. Did he learn? Nope.
Should you be sorry for wanting people to be careful? Not at all.

~Crystal~ said...

For some reason the pics didn't show up in my e-mail & after Mom told me about them I'm glad they didn't. Just because I can't see that kinda stuff. If I do it literally haunts me for forever! That's why I can't see anything too graphic.
I do agree though that there are people out there that do need to see it. I believe it's not just texting though. It's anything we are doing in the car that is taking our attention from driving. We are not only putting the people in our car at risk but others on the road too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Crystal...those kind of pictures could come from any kind of crash and many types of reasons for those crashes. Those pictures could just as easily have come from someone looking down at their radio to check the time~or the person in front tapping their brakes b/c the guy in the back was following to close. it's simple stuff we do everyday that causes accidents like that. I understand the reason you sent it....I'm glad you care enough to share.... I think the pictures of the cars would have been enough though!