Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Work It Girl!

We've got sooo much fitness equipment in our barn but we never use it!!!! Its a shame. I've also got several work out videos that I just HAD to HAVE!!! But I don't use those either. I really need to get on the ball!

Wanna hear something really funny.... when i get in those work out modes I always go and buy me a special work out outfit! LOL... like shopping motivates me into working out. Well at least I'll look cute!

1 comment:

Staci said...

I am the same way, I have a tredmill, and ab lounger and don't use either of them. I did join the YmcA an I love going there... and the first week I joined, I went and bought new swimsuits, (yes more than one!) and a raquetball raquet, earplugs, goggles, swimcap... I can justify it all because its making me 'better'.... lol. The things we do! I could sell my tredmill now, but I like the idea of having one!