Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Momma Meltdown

sorry stack i stole your title

I called Jessica to tell her Matthew would pick her up. I could tell in her voice something was wrong but she said she couldn't talk but she'd call me back. I waited and waited. Finally she called me back. She was in tears. Here's what happened.

Her basketball Coach is out of town. One of the girls father's is coaching... the girl and Jessica are not friends (jessica's words were that the other girl hates her and talks about her). So at practice the 'Coach' seperates the girls... it ends up that Jessica was put with all the 6th graders (she's in 7th). She has to practice layups all day while the other girls (7th & 8th) are going over plays for tomorrow's game. Do I need to say more?

I told Jessica that she should have said something to him after practice like "hey btw i'm in the 7th grade" but she didn't. She's very upset b/c she knows she will not be playing in tomorrows game. She said she wants to quit... no quitters here! So I said I'd call him... of course that didn't go over well!!! She told me that she didn't need me to fix it for her but just to listen that she's not three and i can't fix it!!!!!

On top of all that drama she's had a really rough week with some girls at school talking about her. So one day in the car I told her she should call one of the girls and call her out on it. She called her on speaker phone while I stayed silent. I just wanted to hear everything. Well she basically said... why are you talking crap about me? the other girl said.... um i'm not Jessica told her she needed to keep her mouth shut and that was it. The next day the girl went to school and told everyone she'd told Jessica off! OMG!!!!!!

yes, I know girls can be mean and we all went through this and we all survived without any scars. its what makes us tough. its how we learn to let things roll off our backs. its how we learn to 'pick our battles'. its how we grow. we made it through it and so we'll she.

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