Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Nap time

Today I fed the kids lunch and put them down like normal... somewhere between 11:30 - 12:00. Darcy got up several times but finally stayed in her room. I think by this time is was 1:30 or something. Jacob has cried off and on the entire time. I don't know that he ever went to sleep. I checked on him several times just to make sure we hadn't gotten a limb stuck between the rails. Jeremiah is sleeping. He's my sleeper. At night when its time to bed all you have to say is 'bedtime' and he'll start going up the stairs! Love it!

I hope they're not getting ready to skip naps. Do you kids take naps still???? At what age did they stop?


Anonymous said...

I am all about naps. I think Laner Munchkin and the 7 attys shold let me take a nap from 3-3:30!

dana said...

I play it by ear depending on the day and how cranky they are when they get off the bus. It is different every day of every week except monday.... they always take a nap on monday

Jamie said...

My boys have rest time now, but they rarely fall asleep. Bryant stopped taking one at about 3.