Sunday, February 05, 2006

my attitude stinks

i'm seriously asking for you to pray... now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm really moody and always seem to be complaining to my wonderful husband who is constantly trying to make me happy. I don't deserve him! To think that I still have 2 months of this is making me crazy! I know I know... I shouldn't complain about these wonderful babies I'm carrying... but I'm human okay... and right now my belly is huge and really tight! i can't wipe my @#$!!!!! I can't bend over!!!! I can't do anything without running out of breath!!!! I can't sleep through the night b/c either my legs are cramping or body parts are falling asleep and going numb or I have to pee - which is every 30 minutes or so!!!!! I love to take baths but I can't fit in the tub!!!!!! I don't have enough energy to stand in the shower! Towels do not wrap around my big ole butt! I have no t-shirts that fit me... seriously... my shirts look like belly shirts... I can't pull them over my belly! T-shirts that I used to love to sleep in b/c they were huge... well they shrunk or something b/c they don't fit! i'm losing my patience and i need you guys to pray for an attitude adjustment!

just being honest


Anonymous said...

Here is my two cents worth - and it may not count for all that much since I never had kids!!! :) BUT... yes indeed, all those things must be annoying - but in the long run a very small price to pay or suffer through to end up with the treasure of having a baby - and in this case twins. You'll fit in the tub again, you'll fit into your shirts again, and you'll have energy to keep up with Darcy and the twins as well. All in time sweetie! Count your blessings first - then maybe the annoyances will seem smaller, and more tolerable. Does that saying "no pain, no gain" apply here??? :) Hey - Feb. only has 28 days!!1 There's a plus!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetheart I know exactly how you feel. I went through that and was only carrying 1 baby! Destin weighed 10lbs 6ozs. and the last few weeks were awful. I slept in a lounge chair from our yard because I couldn't lay flat. That was the only place I could breath, not hurt, AND be able to get up and down from without too much trouble. I'm praying for you. Just remember "this too shall pass"! Love Ya! Beth B.

Staci said...

Your attitude does not stink... you are just being real! Its okay to have all those feelings girly. I was realizing the other day how LONG 40 weeks really is- I mean its almost the whole year- only 12 weeks shy of being an entire year! That's a long time. People at my church keep telling me how fast the time has gone by in my pregnancy... it has in some ways and in other ways it has NOT!

I've already learned now- at 30 weeks, that looking "Cute" is no longer an option. Even when I try and even feel cute, I will see a picture of myself and think OH MY GOSH is that really me? I look TIRED and WASHED OUT in all my pictures... even with the help of Mary Kay & Fat girl clothes.

Well anyway- talk to you later-
Love ya- Hang in there- you have less that 10 weeks to go... those boys are almost ready to come out!!! I like what Denise said about Feb only have 28 days- that made me smile! :)

native-nc said...

Sorry honey! You will have your bebe's here soon & then there will be another set of annoyances to voice...not the babies but lack of sleep, energy, etc. And that's cool cause we'll all be here Amen-ing you and understanding that it's part of the process.

Give Matty a hug & tell him we're all proud of him and glad that our friend has such a wonderful husband!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what it is like to carry twins. (I can imagine but I don't have a clue)I was so cramped with my second pregnancy- I would jump just to get him to get OUT OF MY RIBS..never worked. The WORST WORST part was the heartburn in my 3rd trimester so that is when I was moody and miserable. So hopefully you will be spared that part (not another thing to add to the list). Venting always helps & I don't think you have a hard time expressing your feelings ;) SO let it all out..they will be here soon--maybe sooner than you think so try to enjoy the time left of it only being the 4 of you. (I stress "try")

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. I know it is hard to rest and take care of yourself when you have children to care for but please try too,
"Pretty Lady"