Thursday, October 16, 2008

Think about this


Anonymous said...

I can't help but comment. Mudslinging a person can go on on both sides of the fence. Both candidates have scars. First of all - no child has ANY choice in what their parent chosses to name them Look at Moon Unit Zappa or Zuma Marley Rothdale. No child has the choice where their parent send them to school. Obamma's father was an absentee father except for 1 month in his life when he was 10. Other than that he played no role in raising or influencing him. His father may have been muslim - he is long since dead froma vioent car crash. He left his sone after he was born, saw him once and then left again. Wright has slowly over the years here in Chicago become a crazed radical voice. Obama left that church - so did Oprah. Spiritual advising is not political advising. Whether people liekit or not, church and state are seprate. The politics of the US are not supposed to govern the churches and the churches are not supposed to govern the politics of this country. Oddly, church does end up involved in politics, but politics doe snot get to control church. Obama has said he respected the man for his religios teaching, but condemned Wright's politics. When Obama left the church, Wright condemned him as a traitor to his people. News clips from MCCain/Palin rallys show people yelling "kill him" and holding up mokeys with Obama stickers on them. How shameful that we are not past this in this day & age. Obama is not black, he is bi-racial. Comments at McCain/Palin rallys say "We cannot allow a negro into office or they will take over the country." My goodness, that is shameful language. Why shouldn't a U.S. president meet with terrorist leaders in an attempt to either understand them or come to some attempt at settlement? It seesm the ignorant to think we should ignore the possibility of coming to some sort of terms with them. There is the adage "Keep your freinds close, keep your enemies clsoer." As far as Che Guevara, he is a legendary figure in the Mexican community -which is very large in Texas. He is hated and honored for being a liberator. He has always been a controversial historical figure. I doubt it was Obama who put the flag up in the Texas office, it was likely the workers there. There are negatives to McCain's personality as well. He was the bottom of his graduating class rescued form 3 expulsions by his family name. he is a serial adulterer. He was clearly cheating on his first wife with his second and his marriage license was issued illegally as you cannot have a marriage license issued whike you are not yet divorced. He called his present wife a trollop and cunt in front of sevral new reporters on his campaign plane when he was running against Bush in the primarys in 2000. He is not a war hero, nor does being a war hero qualify anyone for presidency. He immediately identified his father and grandfather to his captors against policy. He signed a confession. He says he did not go home when he could have - many sopliders did not, he is not an exception. When a ship he was on got torpedoed, he got himself off and did nothing to help his fellow soliders. He watched the rescue efforts from a safety spot. Soliders who were in his batallion have no kind words for him. Politics shoudl not be judged merely on personalities. That is how we ended up with George who in two years in office took a trillion dollar overage in the budget to over a trillion dollar shortage. that is how we ended up now in financial crisis and on the verge of depression. Politics has to be decided on the issues, not the smoke and mirrors. McCain has stated George should have instituted the bail-out without approval of congress - that is illegal, we are not a monarchy. Palin says she wants to extend the powers of the VP office beyond what is set by statute without changing laws - again illegal. She has lied about being found guilty of ethics violations - a 253+ rpeorts states she was. Vote for McCain or vote for Obamma - I don't care - but vote for the right reasons, not pretense.

Nicole said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! My intent was not to get you fired up but I'm very glad that you decided to comment!

amyelizabeth said...

I agree with Denise. I tried to write a response that was both articulate and not hurtful. This video is rife with shallow arguments that are incredibly offensive. I was saddened that people would seriously judge Obama because of his heritage, and his name, and the fact that he had no control over what school he went to as a child. McCain is by no means innocent, as Denise pointed out. I can't wait for this election to be over...

Jamie said...

So, I'm not 'in the know' as some of the other comments seem to be. I just want to point out that we live in a day and age where are government is managed by a system of checks and balances. Yes, we are in a state of financial disarray to put it mildly, but we did not reach this state on the authority of one man alone.

I have no issue at all with Obama's upbringing. I do think such things can affect you emotionally and help build character, good or bad. I think he is a well spoken man with an awesome ability to influence. I do take issue with people deciding to vote for him strictly based on his ethnicity.

Am I excited about either candidate? Not particularly. Will I vote? Heck, yes!

Nicole said...

As I've already admitted to you before... i don't really know a bunch about them or politics but I do try to read/watch things that might shed some light on them. But the media is one sided to which ever one they support. So I can watch Fox and hear all the junk about Obama and then if you turn on CNN its the reverse.

Some of the things in that video I wasn't sure what to think. But if Obama isn't a muslim (which I'm pretty sure he doesn't claim to be one) then why wouldn't he swear in on the bible. I'm thought he was baptist. Or why doesn't he wear the flag lapel on his shirt. I don't walk around with one on me but I wouldn't REFUSE to wear it. And the pledge and star spangled banner... why doesn't he say those things that are about honoring our country and respect. It seems like he's soooo disguisted by Americans why would he want to be their elected president?

His race doesn't play a part with me. I don't understand people who would vote on the fact thats he's black. I don't agree with people putting his name on pictures of monkeys. I don't support abortion but I wasn't happy about Eric Rudolph blowing up the abortion clinic in downtown birmingham. I think there's people on both sides that take things to the extreme.

And its like Jamie said... Its not one man's fault. If it is then why do we have congressmen and represenatives?

And there was another part in this video that was sooo true. Obama made a comment about his grandmother being a typical white woman... why is it that he can say such highly offensive racial remarks and get away with it?

~Crystal~ said...

I vote conservative, because of they stand for the issues I believe in. I'm not the biggest fan of McCain, but he's the only choice I have. I do like Palin alot. I think the media have unfairly attacked her. We hear NOTHING about Biden. I know Palin is the new face in this election, but it's still not right.

As far as this video I had heard about Obama, not placing his hand over his heart during the anthem, but I have never seen it until now. And his refusal to wear the flag pin....That just doesn't make since to me. If you want to be the leader of a country you supposedly believe in, then why not show your respect? I personally don't want someone leading my country that can't do those things. Sure it may seem shallow to feel that way, but actions speak louder than words. "Just words" as Obama would say. If he is unwilling to do such a small jester, then what BIG thing is he not going to do. Will he truly stand up for what is best for us as a nation? I don't really trust him. And it has nothing to do with the color of his skin or who his father is. I have thought that a black man & woman both running for president has been such an incredible thing to watch. It's history & has been fascinating. But they were both liberals & I don't vote liberal. It's as simple as that.
Obama is an incredible speaker & is charismatic. But I just don't know what he is capable of. There is just so much about him that he will not comment on. Spaces that are left empty. I don't have a good feeling about him. As far as the flag hanging in that certain campaign office, no he more than likely didn't place it there, but once he knew about it or his officials did, they should have had it removed.

The people at the McCain rallies that are racist, DO NOT represent Mccain/Palin, nor do they represent ALL conservatives. They are just idiots who have no conscious & make me sick. I have no tolerance for that kind of behavior. McCain has said he doesn't agree with them.

That is something to look at, McCain will denounce certain behavior. Obama sidesteps it. He even did that in the last debate. It made me angry that McCain was compared to George Wallace, Alabama's former Governor & also had something to do with the bombing of the 16th St Baptist church in B'ham, by a respected black leader. Obama would not say he was sorry for that. He once again, danced he was around it with his words. "Just words" remember?

Alot of people are voting for Obama just for the color of his skin. Yes, he is bi-racial, but he says he is a black man. That is something I have never understood...How can someone be half whatever/half black, but are all of a sudden only black? Like Halle Berry, she is bi-racial, but she is the first black woman to win an Oscar??? I'm not quite sure how that works.

The race war will never be won. It will continue to wage on. Yes, we have come so far, but there is now a different undertone to it all. And as long as the race card is constantly pulled, we will continue to take steps backward.

I agree 100% with Jamie on the fact they always seem to blame Bush for such an economic catastrophe...He is one man. And he is not the only one making the decisions. There are many many factors that played a roll in this mess. Bush is by far not the best President we have had, either. He has made some down right stupid decisions. I'm not for the war at all, but we do need to find these mad men in the world. I have felt safe in this country since 911, with him as Commander in Chief. I don't think I could say that is Obama were at the helm.

~Crystal~ said...

Oh my goodness...Was my comment actually longer than Denise's? Hahaha!