Friday, October 31, 2008

Mr Talk A Lot


The boys are supposed to be napping. I can hear them jumping on their beds!!! I can actually hear Jacob saying "cannon baaaaall!"

Here's some other cute things Mr Jacob has said/done lately.

He likes to say RIGHT NOW! after every sentence. I was cute at first but I'm over it!

The other night he woke up screaming. Matthew ran in there to see what was wrong and he said "I wanna go downstairs and watch dvd cars right now!" Matthew told him no and he gave his grumpy ole man look and laid back down. It was in the middle of the night. silly boy.

Sometimes he says cannon ball when he's supposed to say peek a boo.

He puts his hands on his bottom and sniffs in when I'm changing him. not sure about that one! LOL

1 comment:

Staci said...

Seeing this picture makes me want to pack up and move there just so our kids can hang out and grow up with each other!!! Love it. Love the post. Chloe has never watched Cars, come to think of it, neither have I!!!