Saturday, October 25, 2008


Yesterday when I had posted about wanting a Futon I had just found one on Craigslist for $60. But my hubby said I couldn't spend $60 right now. But I had already responded to the add. So then I had to go back and tell her nevermind I couldn't get it. Here's the emails back in forth.

Me: Nevermind... hubby said no. thanks anyways! if you end up just wanting to get rid of it then let me know

Her: Hey nicole tell your hubby your getting it anyways lol. If you still want it i will be there at 6:00.

Me: LOL... thanks! He did the whole do we really NEED one or do you just want one? Then he said well you know $60 will buy a few christmas presents! We have a fall festival to go to tonight... can I get it tomorrow?

So I was really excited that she had just decided to give it to us. This morning I called her and got directions. We both joked about our hubby's telling us we can't spend money. Then she made a reference to it being a good deal for $60. And then i said something about being grateful that she would just give it to us. We eventually hung up.

A minute later I got to thinking about what she said about being a good deal for $60. I called my FIL (who i'd suckered in to going to pick it up for me) and went over the emails with him. He said it sounded like she was giving it to us. Well I wanted to make sure so I called her back and just point blank asked if she was giving it to us. Apparently she was making a joke about just tell my hubby I was going to get it anyways... as if i wasn't going to listen to him. I took it as she'd decided she didn't want to fool with it anymore and just wanted someone to come and get it. We both laughed about it. It was all in good humor. I guess its better to have someone spell it out so there's no misunderstanding! LOL

What did you think when you read the above emails?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kind of took it as her saying - "You asked for it you got it - no backing out." But then when I read what you had sent her and explained that the money would cover some x-mas gifts, I would have thought she would have said something like "I'm not giving it to you free of charge" or "Tell those people you bought yourself a futon instead of their gift." SOMETHING to make it obvious she still expected to get paid.