Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Darcy has been sick since Sunday. She started running a fever after church. She threw up once - stomach acid stuff. She skipped school Monday and Tuesday. I took her to the doctor yesterday and they tested her for strep but it came back negative. I let her go to school today b/c she didn't run a fever last night and she was missing her friends.

I haven't been to the gym all week. Can't take a sick kid! I was going to go in the evenings but I just put it off. But now I'm housebound!!! Yep, housebound! I have a yeast infection... wait it gets better... under my boob! yeah... whodathunk! I came up very quick. Its really gross and painful and I'm not sure why I'm talking about it on my blog b/c who knows who reads this thing! So I'm housebound b/c I can't wear a bra! I'm using some ointment that was prescribed to Jeremiah a while back for a yeast infection on his butt. I'm hoping it will clear it up asap! I'm really missing the gym. I feel like a slacker! I know next week is going to be hard b/c I'll have to get used to it all over again!

Well I just heard a crash... no crying but a crash so I'd better go see what happened!

1 comment:

Vickie said...

Get you some Monistat! I works great.