Sunday, October 12, 2008


If you don't know by now I'm a Florida fan. I love my gators!!! I love Urban Meyer! Last night I turned on the game and they were about to kick off. I hadn't said anything... Jacob walked up to the TV and said very loudly "GO GATORS!" It made me proud!

I HATE HATE HATE it when people try and get my kids to say other things. Its really annoying and I'm sure Jamie & Hank can agree with me on this one! I want my kids to go the UF when they get older. I'm aware that they may change their minds but heck I can push them in that direction while they're little! Its like the scripture in the bible... train your kids in the way they should go... or something like that :)

Jessica is an Alabama fan but yesterday she went with my mom to the Auburn game. She loves the excitement. When she was little I bought her a Florida cheerleading uniform... I think she only wore it once. Now Darcy wears it proudly!

Well gotta get ready for church! GO GATORS!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm with ya girl!