Friday, October 24, 2008


I've gotten my finanial aid.... whooo hooo! Now I just have to register for my courses. I've already decided to take Eng 101 and Psy 200. Now here's where I need your help. I can take both of these classes ONLINE. But should I? I'm not really sure. I've never been to college nor taken any classes online. I spend hours wasting time on the computer so I know I'll have time to do it. I just do know if I can do it by myself without a teacher explaining and teaching. So.... any and all advise is greatly needed and appreciated!


~Crystal~ said...

I was just talking to someone the other day about online school. They were telling me they loved it! But you just have to be disciplined. The best thing is it works around your schedule. I would say, try it! It may work best for you right now, kinda ease you back into school. If you like it then do other courses that way. If you don't then you know to take a normal class next time.

Vickie said...

I agree with Crystal. That way if someone is sick and you can't get to class and you do it online you won't miss anything. You can do it at your speed and time. I say start with on-line!

Gretchen said...

I have taken online classes every semester. I loved them. It saves on gas, you don't have to worry about a babysitter, you can do it at midnight, you can do a little at a time or all at once. I took two classes that I wouldn't take online, but other than that, I will do it angain (hopefully this coming semester)