Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Christmas Wish List

I've started gathering ideas for the kids... but now I'm thinking about what I want. Here's what I've got so far...

griddle (for cooking)
george forman grill
yoga exercise ball
yoga mat
northface black jacket (i bought one for jessica last christmas)
tv for our bedroom

thats all at the moment... whats on your wish list?


native-nc said...

To be able to buy a gift for each of my family memebers.

Oh yeah~ clothes that fit!

Jamie said...

I would like a gift card to IKEA so I can go get some things for my house!! Oh, and I want to get started on a bathroom in our basement.

Staci said...

I want a Kid Tough DVD player for the kids!
For myself.... hum- that is tough. If I could have a REAL WISH list- I would want clothes- like- nice ones, that are not on sale yet- ones that actually fit the season and the body! I can't stand having to make something work, when there are tons of cute things in the stores calling my name, but beyond that- nothing. Maybe a new video game (lame I know, but we play together as a family- so its fun)