Thursday, October 30, 2008


Jessica used to ride a lot but hasn't in a while. She at one point was taking horseback lessons. They were trying to get her to learn to barrel race. The lady she was taking lessons from had a baby and took off for a few weeks and they never started her back up after that. I wish she could do it again. But it can be very expensive. Have you check out the prices for english saddles? Its an expensive hobby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a friend in Junior High who had an Appaloosa horse and did barrel racing. I never did see her race, but her horse was gorgeous. I've only been riding once. My mom always promised to take me as a kid and never did. One boyfreind took me riding on a trail - I think the horses were programmed - they could have done the trail in their sleep and they only went at one speed!