Thursday, July 10, 2008

Giving God the Glory

I have to share this with you guys....

We've been praying for some extra income. Things are tight and we've got tuition coming up along with several other things. God answered...

First... the guy that matthew does side worked called him today and asked him to work Saturday.

Then... the pizza place called to see if I could work tonight b/c they were short handed... now as much as I'd rather have stayed home with my family I didn't feel right for asking God to provide but then not accept it b/c I didn't 'feel' like going to work.

WELL... I get to the pizza place and there's no delivery driver. I'm normally the cashier sometimes catcher (pull the pizza out and box it) and rarely the cook. I can't count money and I have no idea how to get around down here (we've lived here for almost 2 years but I don't get out much).

BUT... once again I thought if I could earn some extra money with tips then I'll give it a shot. Well I LOVED IT!!!! Although it poured down rain for the first half of the night and I was in flip flops and a thin pale yellow shirt. I NEVER got lost and I NEVER had to give anyone change!!!!! I made FIFTY ONE DOLLARS IN TIPS!!!!! This does not include my hourly rate!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! HE PROVIDES ALL OUR NEEDS!!!!!!!

I enjoyed my alone time with God and I think I'll be doing it again!

I forgot to mention that yesterday I was asked to do some title work at the courthouse today that will always earn extra money. GOD IS GOOD!


Eric said...

God is Good!

~Crystal~ said...

He sure is good!

I miss driving all the time...I had some of the best "God time" then.