Thursday, July 13, 2006

Shaving 101

I just got finished teaching my 10 year old (11 on the 18th) how to shave. We sat on the side of the bathtub and shaved our legs together. She did good... no cuts but we did have to redo some spots... I think she'll get the hang of it though ;)

do you remember the first time you shaved? how old were you?


Mel said...

i remember everything about mine...I was in the 6th grade

~Crystal~ said...

Aunt Flo came to visit me for the first time in the 4th grade, so it was around that time. Mom bought me an electric razor & I used that for a few years before I graduated to the 'real' razor.

Staci said...

I was in 4th grade. My friend was in 5th, and she showed me how. My mom found out that summer, and she was so upset. I would have liked for her to show me how, but she missed out! LOL. I'm glad you taught Jess. Good Mom award goes to you girl...