Monday, December 19, 2005

What a goober!!!

My father in law that is!!!!!!!!

Okay... so all day today i've been in a tizzy b/c of him! lets back up.... a couple of days ago while looking in the fridge, i found 4 things of cream cheese... all with 'use by' dates of Jan 05... one was even April 04!!! When I found them matthew and mr. b were both in the kitchen. I went on and on about how gross that was and threw them away. TODAY.... i go upstairs and open the freezer to find me some lunch and instead I find THE CREAM CHEESE THAT I THREW AWAY!!!!!! Of course i was shocked and just couldn't believe he dug them out and why would he insist on using them!!! So I spent the remainder of the afternoon searching the USDA website and the FDA websites looking for specific information about food and junk.

*see in the past he's challenged me on why can't he thaw out meat in the microwave and then refreeze what he didn't use... and other silly little things that common sense should be enough!

well i gathered all this information about why and why not for him to read. I went upstairs just now and said to him that I saw where he'd pulled the cream cheese out of the garbage adn I just wanted to know when he used it so i'd know not to let my family eat it... well he started laughing!!! which made me mad! I was like why isn't he taking me seriously... turns out he did it as a joke!!!! URG! he said he pulled it out and stuck it in the front of the freezer so i'd see it... WHAT A BUTTHEAD!! I told him about all the research I'd done today about food and stuff so i'd have reason's for his why not questions instead of 'just cause'... he thought it was funny! i'm glad he did... i don't know whether i should laugh or cry!


~Crystal~ said...

I think it's funny too! Maybe it's a lesson, Nicole....Don't get so worked up about everything. :)

native-nc said...

Funny stuff, I hope you laugh in the end. It made me laugh :)

Nicole said...

i laughed

Jamie said...

Too funny!

dana said...

Yeah, I can't imagine having a 10 yr old, I have made comments on the "double digit" start age. Not looking forward to that. You are still young to have a 10 yr old, I will be in my 30's when he is that age aaaaaaaaaaaaaa crazy!