Tuesday, June 13, 2006

precious little ones

last night when we turned off the lights to go to bed Jacob laid there and laughed for a little bit. He was coooing and woooing... it was precious.

darcy woke up at some point so matthew ended up in the bed with her but this morning when his alarm started going off they were both in our bed. she sleeps with a sippy cup of milk... i know i know its not good but she doesn't fall asleep with it in her mouth like a bottle she just wakes up in the middle of the night and wants something to drink. well if her cup is empty she shakes it and then hands it to you and says thank you. how sweet!!!! this morning i was messin with her so i handed it back to her and she had this puzzled look on her face and then she shook it and handed it back with another Thank You! I filled it up for her :)


native-nc said...

Why not water at night??? Justus still asks for his "bottle" in the middle of the night. So I keep a cup of water for him right beside my water bottle.

Nicole said...

We do give her water some... I guess that would be better in the middle of the night b/c at least i know it won't get hot... yuck! she drank FOUR cups of milk last night!!!!!!!!

dana said...

We learned after having so many problems with Jesse to give Emma water. I know all kids are different, but Jesse has had so many problems with his teeth, and they decayed, we took good care of them, but gave him a sippy cup of milk at nite too. I hated seeing my baby go through the pain of having to have his teeth completely redone. Not trying to come down on ya, just wanted you to know, cuz I know you don't want to see her have to go through that.

Nicole said...

wow... thats scary. no i totally know you're not coming down on me. thanks for the info.

Vickie said...

Milk and or juice is not a good night time choice. They do cause really bad tooth decay. If you give her water in her cup and she's not happy with it she may eventually give up asking and sleep without one all together. Just a suggestion!