Monday, June 19, 2006

delete post

i deleted the last post b/c matthew didn't want anyone to think we're happy about the situation... which we really can't go into details... and wouldn't want to anyways.

the bottom line is we are no longer living with matt's parents. we wished we would have moved out under different circumstances but we can't change it now.

However, we did look at a house today and we're pretty sure we're gonna make an offer on it tomorrow. NOT b/c we need to but b/c we really feel like God has this house set aside for US! Pray we have a peace about the house.


Beth said...

I wish you the best and hope things work out. {{{HUGS}}}} Beth

Nicole said...

I KNOW that God had our house picked out for us! He told us through so many different happenings. I hope that you do feel peace about it, and if it IS from God, you WILL!!!!