Friday, October 07, 2005

who ya gonna call??? GHOSTBUSTERS!

its hard to come up with witty little titles for my blog entry.... does anyone else have this problem???

Well, Heather and Michael are in town... yippee!! We're supposed to go ghost hunting tomorrow night but i'm thinking about chickening out... i mean what IF we really did see a ghost??? what would happen??? How would we react? it would scar me for life!!!!! I just don't think i'm ready for that. Last night before I went to bed I was reading some ghost stories online... true ones from all over alabama. I found some pretty funky ones. When I went to bed I couldn't sleep!! then I started seeing things... or so I thought... one site I was reading on said that sometimes you see things b/c you want to see things... I guess after reading all that junk I was thinking I was seeing things... I was so stuck to matthew last night... i'm sure he was thinking... okay honey.. i like to cuddle but this is overboard. LOL! I kept waking up and would freak out. I prayed like a zillion times. Ya know i just don't think I wanna open myself up to things like 'that'... when I was in MC's we had a class on spiritual warfare... it was spooky.

We're supposed to go to Bryce Mental Hospital in Tuscaloosa.

whats your thoughts on ghost?


Anonymous said...

Some people I know said they have seen them - I haven't. Kev said he saw one in NO in our room. My friend claimed her house was haunted - but the ghost never showed up when I came over! The closest I came was falling asleep at a friend's who said her place was haunted and feeling someone patting my shoulder. When I woke up nobody was there - and all the guys were downstairs rehearsing with the band. I thinks ghosts are afraid of me!!! :)

Vickie said...

I think you are opening yourself up to things that you really don't want.

~Crystal~ said...

They aren't ghosts, they are demons making you think that they are ghosts so will make light of it & play around with them. Then that opens the door for them.
I don't think you should mess with that stuff. I have seen many demons & those 'so called' ghosts before & it is all real. If you think you couldn't sleep from just reading stuff....I'm sure will probably bring a few home with you. And then you will have major problems.
Sure it's fun to get spooked & stuff, but there really is a spirit world & it will make itself known. I'm not kidding either.

Jamie said...

The only time I've ever had anything happen to me that I couldn't explain was when I was in high school. Tonnie and I were spending the night with a friend of ours from volleyball and we were talking about God and the spirit realm. They both left the room, and I was writing in my prayer journal, when I literally felt what felt like someone't fingernail run down my leg and poke me in my ankle. I called Tonnie and Marie in and we prayed until I got my prayer language that night.