Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Well I got called a traitor b/c I had updated my xanga but not my blog. I guess I've lost my zeal b/c now I never know who's reading this thing. I wish it could go back to the way it was... when I could vent and not worry about who's snooping around on my blog!

I've been caught up in the xanga world... reading everyone's junk. Some people really never change. I'm really glad I'm not caught up in the stuff anymore. Master's Commission is so over rated! It didn't always be that way. Its just gotten worse with the larger groups. Yeah i know... if it were smaller then they couldn't do all those drama's and assemblies... well i think they need to focus more on making an impact on their students and not on how many services they can do in one week. I'm sure I'm going to offend some people by saying that but its the truth in most cases.

What's your opinion on Master's? Some of you may have not of been in the program but you can see the results... both negative and positive. And those of you that has gone through it... what are your thoughts? Don't get me wrong... I'm glad I went through it... I just wish things would have been different.... some things are my fault and some aren't.


~Crystal~ said...

Hhhmmm....I used to feel the same way. But God has done alot of healing inside of me about MC & the Director. Sure there are things that are wrong with the program. There are people that have been terribly hurt, from the program or people involved. I do feel that there are some that go into MC for the wrong reasons & that there are some that use MC as a cover. They stay stagnent in the MC world. They are afraid to move on. I believe all MC teams are different & we can't categorize them all the same.
Alot of people never do change & that's their problem. But I believe that the dream of MC, is amazing & they are doing good work. Of course there are flaws, but where is there not flaws in this world?

MBBrock said...

i think there are innumerable other entities worthy of greater complaint. those that whine about Master's Commission possibly haven't found them yet, or are afraid of the consequences. anger regarding tuition doesn't seem healthy or reasonable, unless one is superfluously concerned with money; in this case I believe that this person may very well have felt out of place in the organization. We can all be victims if we want, and legitimize a way to choose any random passerby as the victimizer. I say at least choose a worthy enemy. I met some of the best people I believe I'll ever meet in Master's, and I can't think of anything more important than that.

Staci said...

I have nothing bad to say about Masters. I have learned in life- you get out of it what you put into it! I don't have any bad memories or anything regarding the way I was treated, or the way the program was ran. I am in full time ministry as a result of Masters, and I also have students that I'm helping find Masters to attend. I've been on both sides of the college and Masters worlds, and both are disturbing- its not the program- its the people. Its not the university, its the student. When I got out of Masters and found out some of the things that went on during Masters, I was shocked! I was hurt, and in major disbelief. I didn't understand how people could get on stage and minister with no conviction! God can and will use anyone to do the work, he used a donkey, a flaming bush, and many other worthless items- he doesn't need us! But he longs for us! He does not long for the donkey or the flaming bush. This is a tough subject for me. I could go on and on, but I will spare you all the reading time. I'm sure many of you think I'm Lacking worldly experience and understanding, or maybe I was sheltered, those things could be true, but I do know because of Masters I met met my frist love- my Savior, I met my husband, and two of the very best friends a person could have as well as created a bond with a long time friend from NC that otherwise would have been forsaken. I've had my taste of reality- trust me, most of you know this.

I'm also aware of some problems and flaws in programs, but over all- those same flaws are in churches around the globe! I know that if it had not been for Masters, I would not be where I am today and would not even be commenting on any of this! I'm sure I'd be at home in NC living a life that is not fulfilled and wishing I had more in life.

The only things that I could say I would change about Masters is:

Classes- I have a whole list of things that should have been covered for those going into the ministry.

And that dumb saying "Once in Masters always in Masters" I hate that. That's dumb. We all know that's not true.

And of course better follow up with Students once they are gone from the program. Even if they are in the ministry-

So- my thoughts on Masters??? There you have it.. at least a few of them. Sorry for the Novel! You opened a can of worms!

~Crystal~ said...

I also gained some of the most amazing best friends I could have ever asked for in MC. Plus I cultivated other friendships as well. I too, met my wonderful husband through MC. So, I seriuosly have no clue where my life would be today, without the program. The only regret that I have from my 2 year in MC, is that I dated a very close friend. And that friendship has never been the same. Which saddens me. Plus because I was dating, I wasn't as focused on what I needed to be. I didn't get to know alot of the girls, like I wish I had.
I also realized that the hurt that I felt from MC, was not things that were directed at me. It was things done to those I care about, things I heard that happened & I lost trust in the program. I had to step back & look at everything & take "me" out of the equation. And then healing began.
I totally agree with Staci & what she had to say...You get out of it, what you put into it! And that's with anything in life.
Wow....It feels so good to not sit here & bash the program, like I probably would have about 3-4 months ago if you had asked this question then. All I know is that God can change anything or anyone. He changed me & I'm pretty bull headed.