Friday, October 28, 2005

whatcha think??

okay... so I'm starting to wonder if I just look for things to complain about concerning my MIL or do I really have good reason.

I'm annoyed b/c she just ordered pizza without asking anyone what they wanted on it... she ordered one large pepperoni and one large bacon with bell peppers... hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

am i being silly?


Anonymous said...
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~Crystal~ said...

I know when I'm frustrated with someone, everything little thing they do gets on my nerves, even them breathing. :) Let it go, I agree with Heather, you don't need any stress, so don't make more than you already have. Take it from someone who knows what it's like to live with in-laws.
Love ya girl.

Staci said...

Having people who annoy you live in the same house it terrible, and like Crystal said, even the very sound of their breath bothers you! I've been there!!! More than once! Anyway- Adding pregnacy to the mix does not help. I know that little things bother me a lot more now that the hormones are raging. I'm just glad its just Chris and I now in our house- those first 8 weeks of pregnancy were no fun with company. So what to do? I'm not sure I have the answer. Its easy to say "LET IT GO" or Don't let it stress you out- but I know how hard that can be. Hummm- all I know is do what the bible says to do- pray for your enemies- treat them nice- it will burn hot coals on their heads! Kind of fun to think about huh? Okay that's terrible I know- but try your best to stay clear of the enemy and pray pray pray pray pray and when you are finished, pray some more!!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You are living in her home, right? Who paid for the pizza? You should be grateful and stop complaining.

Jamie said...

Don't sweat the small stuff, girl. It can be a little frustrating at times with in-laws or even parents. I keep my sanity by remembering they wouldn't do half of what they do if they didn't care so darn much! Save some pizza for me! :)

Anonymous said...

What if you look at in a humourous way. Like .... hey at least she did not order anchovies and pinneapple???? Find the "it could have been worse" to the situation. maybe that will lower the stress - and give you comical things to come up with.

And to anonymous.... even when I have guests I ask what they like on their pizza, I don't make a judgment call and only order what I like. It is the polite thing to do when you know others will be eating the pizza- no matter who is paying. My momma taught me manners.

Nicole said...

Hey Anonymous... Geez you almost sound just like her... inconsiderate. FYI... since living in her house I've taken on the grocery shopping AND cooking (by her husbands request!). She doesn't cook, clean or work. I've bent over backwards trying to be considerate of her needs/wants. I've offered to help take grandma to doctor's appointments... but have I gotten a thank you for any of this... no... instead she likes to pick fights/arguements about how I raise my kids... whether its homeschooling (which I'm against for many reasons) or what I chose to let Darcy eat (thats not gerber)... you have no idea what I or anyone else in this house has to live with!

thanks for sharing you comments :) Leave a name next time!

Anonymous said...

Remember - only those to weak to stand up for their own convictions hide under "anonymous". Those people don't even deserve a second thought. You have something to say - say it and be known. To insult someone and hide under anonymous is absolute cowardice.

Vickie said...

That anonymous comment has to be your mother-in-law. Who else would say that and not post their name.

Nicole, I think you need to start a new blog and be careful who you give it out to so you can have a place to vent. Love ya!!!!!