Saturday, October 15, 2005

Football Saturday

I've been watching the Alabama/Ole Miss game... Florida is up next against LSU... should be an interesting game.

We're all set to move into the basement... i just don't have any help. Matthew should be home around 3:15... he's debating whether or not to take off tomorrow. I haven't really packed much b/c I never know if we're 'really' moving or not. Alot of our stuff is already over there. I don't think it will take much. I do think that we're going to have to put more stuff in storage than we had originally planned. We have A LOT of closet space here... we have none over there. Jessica and Darcy both have closets in there room but Matthew and I will not have a place to hang our clothes... we're going to have to invest in one of those closets on wheels. It will do the job. We did move our dresser over there last night... i should have been over there today putting our clothes up... most of our clothes have also been over there for some time now. We did unpack all of our -MATTS- books last night and our DVD's. Its going to be a slow process with Matt working all these crazy hours.

We had a showing yesterday... first one in almost 2 weeks... i was getting nervous but my realtor assured me that its okay... that we just started off with a big bang and thought that was normal so when it slacked off we thought the worst. Anyways... so the house is clean!! Jessica went to the beach with my mom and sister this weekend... it was very last minute. And Darcy is asleep... so i'm all alone.

I'm making MEXICAN SOUP FOR SUPPER!!!!!!!! Yummy!

well... better go... have a good weekend everyone :)


Staci said...

Alabama and the Cheap Shot. Okay so I was upset that Ole Miss didn't win. I was hoping at the last few seconds they would block the stinkin punt and force the game into overtime. Lucky kick... that's all it was. We are Ole Miss Fans... if you didn't notice. I'm looking forward to going to Academy in Mississippi and finding our baby a onesie with the OLE MISS logo on it! Hard to find that kind of stuff in TEXAS!

Well glad you are almost moved... its been a slow process for you guys. I'm sure you will be glad when its over. (per say)

I've been tired, but we've been cleaning our house too- I still have a lot to do, but its good for me. Are you guys looking to buy another house or build your own house in the future?

Love ya- Have a good weekend.

~Crystal~ said...

So did ya get moved?

Jamie said...

Are you moved?? Is that why there is dead silence from you? I hope you aren't too stressed out!