Monday, October 10, 2005

Doritos... yummy

thats what i'm eating right now!! just finished a pickle.

The prescription the doctor called in is propoxyphene... so far it has helped. I took one just before dinner b/c i had a little headache... the bottle says don't wait until its too bad... so i didn't and it really helped.

i'm kinda bored... i think i'll go to bed. i just wrote the longest email ever to Denise but jessica was on the phone and I couldn't send it so i minimized the screen... well matthew deleted it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I was really mad but held it in. so Denise... you're not getting a email... it was a really long one too!!!!! I'll make it up to you :)

night night for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here I was reading this going - but I did not get an e-mail! Is something wrong with my server at work? :)