Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Forward

Sunday morning was our typical Sunday morning... rushing to get out the door on time. We got up, ate breakfast, got the kids ready, got ourselves ready and loaded the car. As I was loading the car my boss called me to ask if I could work that night at the pizza place. I told him I'd have to call him back in a minute after I talked to Matthew. Once we got in the car I opened my cell phone to call him back and then it hit me.... I hadn't set our clocks up!!!! My cell phone had automatically moved up an hour. If I had not opened my cell phone then we would have barged in church at the end of the service. Matthew with his guitar in hand ready to play! LOL We ended up going to his parents house.


Eric said...

Hey, since you all were in the car you might as well have gone somewhere!

~Crystal~ said...

I going to say the same, after all that work, you needed to make use of it!