Thursday, March 20, 2008


the website says its arrived but i haven't talked to her yet!!

obtw... let me tell you a funny conversation that happened earlier with her while she was at the airport in tampa

phone rings
me: hello
jessica: GUESS WHAT!?!?!?
me: what?
jessica: I'm on a.... pay phone! (she was soooo excited)
me: a pay phone? why?
jessica: cuz! isn't this cool... I'm taking pictures too!
me: of a pay phone?
jessica: i've never used one before!!!!
me: well honey before they made cute little cell phones everyone had to use pay phones
jessica: really?
me: how much did it cost you?
jessica: FOUR quarters! but i called your cell phone first and it went to voicemail so I had to use FOUR MORE quarters!
me: i'll pay you back a dollar!

she talked to me for four minutes before the operator said to insert more money... i told her i'd call her back b/c i had the number on caller id... she was soooo excited when i called her back. she's such a silly kid... who knew a pay phone would be so exciting! LOL


Vickie said...


~Crystal~ said...

That is hilarious!!!

The other day I SAW a pay phone for the first time in years. I would have taken a picture if I had had my camera with me.

Eric said...

You should see about getting her one for her birthday or Christmas!!! HA!