Thursday, September 27, 2007


I first need to say this... I've been getting my information from my mom... she sometimes over does things... so with that said things are not as bad as they seem. But please don't go telling my momma that I said that! LOL

Here's the latest news on Cody. Yes, what I said about abnormalities on his brain was true. The word they used that I cannot spell or say is something close to Subiraqnoid hemorage... which is a busted blood vessel on his brain. He's more on the outter parts than inside his actual brain. If you google it you'll probably scare yourself to death so don't do it. The doctors cannot explain why this happened... b/c normally this would only happen if someone had a 'hard' delivery but my sister's was pretty easy.

The doctors are very positive. They kept telling us that this will heal on its own and there will be no more seizures or anything. So please continue to pray for Cody, his parents, our family and the doctors. Everyone's emotions are whacky and we appreciate everyone's calls, prayers, visits, emails etc.

They have not said when he can come home. My sister and tony are at home tonight. They're doing better as they hear more encouraging news. He's at the NICU at Brookwood and they have doctor's from Childrens Hospital that comes.

good night!

1 comment:

native-nc said...

WOW, I guess it's good news that they at least have some idea of what is going on . We will update our prayer partners at church as well as keep praying here at home. Tony & Renee must be exhausted but hopefully will get a good nights rest with the 'good' news.

You said it should heal or clear up on its' own but what are they doing right now??? Anything more than monitoring??? It's just a bit confusing to me.