Thursday, September 27, 2007


I wish I had something good to report but instead its just the opposite. I'm in tears as I write this and my heart is breaking. The results of the test came back this morning and the doctors found some abnormality's in his brain that they weren't expecting. They have sent him off for some more test... MRI, EKG and several others that I can't remember. I'm angry. I thought the news we were given yesterday was it... I didn't expect anything to come back from the test but if I was thinking clearly I probably would have thought 'how can they tell us everything is going to be okay if they hadn't gotten the results back!' I just wanted to hear everything was going to be okay.

The doctors are going to set up a time to talk with the family this afternoon. I'll update you as I'm updated. Please continue to pray for Cody and our family.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicole, Cody and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Love to you all. Janice