Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Double Whammy

My front brakes started making noises a week ago... Finally yesterday they were so bad that I was afraid they'd go out. We dropped it off at our mechanics last night. This morning the mechanic calls to tell me that its not just my front brakes but my back ones are bad too! GREAT! Its double what I expected to pay.

My tires need rotated and balanced... Matt's too. I think we're both about to have to get new tires!

Tonight we're replacing the heating elements in my hot water heater... we've had very little hot water for almost 2 weeks!

The jeans I bought at Lane Bryant are too big. I was in a hurry and got two different sizes... I wore them last night so I don't think I can take them back. It made me sick!

I almost forgot... I called today to get matt's test score... He missed it by 3 points!


Vickie said...

Yes you can take those back to Lane Bryant. Just throw them in the dryer with a fabric sheet to freshen them up and take them back. As long as you have the receipt they will refund your money.

Eric said...

Don't you just love car problems. Of ALL the things that happen, I HATE car problems the most!!!