4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Now this I can talk about... kitchen faucets! When we moved into our house someone had one of those water purifiers on our faucet. I took it off b/c I thought surely it needed a new filter and probably wasn't doing any good. Well a part of it will not come off... theres a ring around the neck and b/c it will not come off I cannot put the thingy (yeah i know) back on it so... when you turn on the water it splatters everywear! For at least 3 months now I've had a new faucet waiting to be put on but we've not slowed down long enough for matthew to install it. Maybe one day...
I'm trying to do...
more accessorizing in my wardrobe but I've never been big on fashion jewelry. I sometimes forget to put on my wedding ring so putting on any other jewelry is definitely a joke. I like it though. I like it when I see others wearing it. I just feel like I'd be over doing it if I wore it. Maybe I'll invest in some... whatcha think about it?
10 years later
My 10 year High School Reunion is tonight! I've known that it was coming for a while now so I have no excuse as to why I haven't lost weight! I think its too late for some miracle burn now but maybe next time :)
I wish I could get lost in the crowd but considering my graduating class was made up of 16 people including myself... well I think they'll be able to find me! I'll let you know how it goes. Tonight is dinner with the adults and tomorrow is family time at the park.
((((( Lord, please let my kids be perfect so everyone will think they are always good and that i'm a great mom)))) LOL
I wish I could get lost in the crowd but considering my graduating class was made up of 16 people including myself... well I think they'll be able to find me! I'll let you know how it goes. Tonight is dinner with the adults and tomorrow is family time at the park.
((((( Lord, please let my kids be perfect so everyone will think they are always good and that i'm a great mom)))) LOL
AS IF...
I needed any more drama in my life!!!
Jacob is constipated (i just knew you wanted to know that!) and I went into the kitchen to get him some 'little tummies'. I got the whole tub of medicine down, put it on the counter, filled up a dropper full, took 5 steps and gave it to him. In the meantime, Darcy starts choking so I turn around to see her holding a bottle of DURATUSS A and I freak out! I snatched the bottle away, do a finger sweep and telling her to spit it out. This all happened so quickly. I called Poison Control (the number is on my fridge) and they kinda scared me b/c they wanted to make sure that all she possibly got was just one. I think that what happened is she got one but since it was so big she choked on it. They've got me watching her closely for an hour. But had she'd gotten more than one they would have had me bring her in... how scary! Darcy thought they were white raisins (aka yogurt covered raisins).
Jacob is constipated (i just knew you wanted to know that!) and I went into the kitchen to get him some 'little tummies'. I got the whole tub of medicine down, put it on the counter, filled up a dropper full, took 5 steps and gave it to him. In the meantime, Darcy starts choking so I turn around to see her holding a bottle of DURATUSS A and I freak out! I snatched the bottle away, do a finger sweep and telling her to spit it out. This all happened so quickly. I called Poison Control (the number is on my fridge) and they kinda scared me b/c they wanted to make sure that all she possibly got was just one. I think that what happened is she got one but since it was so big she choked on it. They've got me watching her closely for an hour. But had she'd gotten more than one they would have had me bring her in... how scary! Darcy thought they were white raisins (aka yogurt covered raisins).
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I first need to say this... I've been getting my information from my mom... she sometimes over does things... so with that said things are not as bad as they seem. But please don't go telling my momma that I said that! LOL
Here's the latest news on Cody. Yes, what I said about abnormalities on his brain was true. The word they used that I cannot spell or say is something close to Subiraqnoid hemorage... which is a busted blood vessel on his brain. He's more on the outter parts than inside his actual brain. If you google it you'll probably scare yourself to death so don't do it. The doctors cannot explain why this happened... b/c normally this would only happen if someone had a 'hard' delivery but my sister's was pretty easy.
The doctors are very positive. They kept telling us that this will heal on its own and there will be no more seizures or anything. So please continue to pray for Cody, his parents, our family and the doctors. Everyone's emotions are whacky and we appreciate everyone's calls, prayers, visits, emails etc.
They have not said when he can come home. My sister and tony are at home tonight. They're doing better as they hear more encouraging news. He's at the NICU at Brookwood and they have doctor's from Childrens Hospital that comes.
good night!
Here's the latest news on Cody. Yes, what I said about abnormalities on his brain was true. The word they used that I cannot spell or say is something close to Subiraqnoid hemorage... which is a busted blood vessel on his brain. He's more on the outter parts than inside his actual brain. If you google it you'll probably scare yourself to death so don't do it. The doctors cannot explain why this happened... b/c normally this would only happen if someone had a 'hard' delivery but my sister's was pretty easy.
The doctors are very positive. They kept telling us that this will heal on its own and there will be no more seizures or anything. So please continue to pray for Cody, his parents, our family and the doctors. Everyone's emotions are whacky and we appreciate everyone's calls, prayers, visits, emails etc.
They have not said when he can come home. My sister and tony are at home tonight. They're doing better as they hear more encouraging news. He's at the NICU at Brookwood and they have doctor's from Childrens Hospital that comes.
good night!
I wish I had something good to report but instead its just the opposite. I'm in tears as I write this and my heart is breaking. The results of the test came back this morning and the doctors found some abnormality's in his brain that they weren't expecting. They have sent him off for some more test... MRI, EKG and several others that I can't remember. I'm angry. I thought the news we were given yesterday was it... I didn't expect anything to come back from the test but if I was thinking clearly I probably would have thought 'how can they tell us everything is going to be okay if they hadn't gotten the results back!' I just wanted to hear everything was going to be okay.
The doctors are going to set up a time to talk with the family this afternoon. I'll update you as I'm updated. Please continue to pray for Cody and our family.
The doctors are going to set up a time to talk with the family this afternoon. I'll update you as I'm updated. Please continue to pray for Cody and our family.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Here's the email i just sent out to everyone... sorry but i'm too tired to type it all out here again so i just copied it.
This is what I know... Cody has blood in his spinal fluid. The blood is aggravating his brain and causing the seizures. The doctor has done a zillion test on the poor baby and will have the results in the morning. But the doctor has said that his condition will take care of itself with antibiotics. The blood will be absorbed and the seizures will go away on his own and there will be no lasting effects. He will have to stay in the NICU for a few days to be monitored.
Here's what happened... As early as the day he was born, my sister and tony thought something wasn't right. Cody was having seizures but the nurses were saying he was shivering or he was dreaming or whatever... but today while they were discharging them he had one and the nurse wittnessed it. They put him in NICU and started the test.
B/c they had already been discharged the insurance company didn't want to allow my sister to stay another night but after several hours of back and forth between the hospital and the insurance people the hospital decided to let her stay until the morning. My sister has been walking waaaay too much today and hasn't eaten. When I left she was in a lot of pain and was extremely tired. Please pray for her, Tony, Zac and Cody. They need peace and rest. The last I heard they had not and wasn't telling Zac (my nephew thats 9) anything until tomorrow.
I'll update everyone tomorrow when I hear something different.
Don't stop praying!
Here's the email i just sent out to everyone... sorry but i'm too tired to type it all out here again so i just copied it.
This is what I know... Cody has blood in his spinal fluid. The blood is aggravating his brain and causing the seizures. The doctor has done a zillion test on the poor baby and will have the results in the morning. But the doctor has said that his condition will take care of itself with antibiotics. The blood will be absorbed and the seizures will go away on his own and there will be no lasting effects. He will have to stay in the NICU for a few days to be monitored.
Here's what happened... As early as the day he was born, my sister and tony thought something wasn't right. Cody was having seizures but the nurses were saying he was shivering or he was dreaming or whatever... but today while they were discharging them he had one and the nurse wittnessed it. They put him in NICU and started the test.
B/c they had already been discharged the insurance company didn't want to allow my sister to stay another night but after several hours of back and forth between the hospital and the insurance people the hospital decided to let her stay until the morning. My sister has been walking waaaay too much today and hasn't eaten. When I left she was in a lot of pain and was extremely tired. Please pray for her, Tony, Zac and Cody. They need peace and rest. The last I heard they had not and wasn't telling Zac (my nephew thats 9) anything until tomorrow.
I'll update everyone tomorrow when I hear something different.
Don't stop praying!
My mom just called me with no details other than they are putting Cody in NICU... please pray!!!!!! They were supposed to come home in a few hours!
Think on this...
"Rich people earn interest - poor people pay it" I'm not sure who said this but its really true.
Matthew and I have an appointment with someone tomorrow afternoon. He's going to talk with us about investments, IRA's, retirement and managing money. I'm really excited about meeting with him. I talked with him yesterday and I felt very comfortable with him. Its FREE!!!!! He does not charge a fee for his advice... in fact you never pay him! He makes his money through the programs he's able to set us up with. What excites me the most is this is not a one time deal... he comes back every six months to go over things with us.
My boss recommended him to us. I'll let you know how it goes.
Do you have a Will? You should get one! We're having one drawn up through the attorney I work for.
Matthew and I have an appointment with someone tomorrow afternoon. He's going to talk with us about investments, IRA's, retirement and managing money. I'm really excited about meeting with him. I talked with him yesterday and I felt very comfortable with him. Its FREE!!!!! He does not charge a fee for his advice... in fact you never pay him! He makes his money through the programs he's able to set us up with. What excites me the most is this is not a one time deal... he comes back every six months to go over things with us.
My boss recommended him to us. I'll let you know how it goes.
Do you have a Will? You should get one! We're having one drawn up through the attorney I work for.
Monday, September 24, 2007
A Hairy Thing!
Yes I know I'm doing it backwards... I'm tired!!!! He has a head FULL of hair!!!! It pokes out the bottom of his hat in the back.
Samuel Cody was born today around noon.
He weighted 7lbs 7 ounces and 21 inches long.
No problems and everyone is doing fine.
Baby Cody
My sister went to the hospital last night around 2 something. They kept her but things slowed down. They're breaking her water this morning and starting "the drip." Please pray for her (Renee), Tony, Zac and baby Cody.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
All about My Matty Patty
1. Who is your man? Matthew Alan
2. How long have you been together? March 21, 2001 was our first date.
How long did you date? I don'tknow... I've never counted it up... we got married in Sept of 2003.
How old is your man? will be 28 in Feb
Who eats more? I do...
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did
7. Who is taller? Matty
8. Who sings better? He does... He's very talented
9. Who is smarter? HE IS BY FAR!!!!!!
10. Whose temper is worse? Mine
11. Who does the laundry? We both do.
12. Who takes out the garbage? I don't do garbage
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does if you are laying in the bed, but if you are looking at the bed, I do! ? hard questions!
14. Who pays the bills? I actually write out the checks but he knows everything about our financial stuff
15. Who is better with the computer? me
16. Who mows the lawn? the lawn man
17. Who cooks dinner? Me but he would if I asked him to
18. Who drives when you are together? I do
19. Who pays when you go out? it comes out of the same account
20. Who is most stubborn? me
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? my hubby... but he's hardly ever wrong
22. Whose parents do you see the most? thats a tie
23. Who kissed who first? I remember wanting him to kiss me but he didn't... finally he did or maybe it was mutual
24. Who asked who out? if i had to say I'd probably say him but its hard to explain
25. Who proposed? Matty... and it was a surprise
26. Who is more sensitive? More sensitive... i dunno... we're both pretty sensitive to each other's needs
27. Who has more friends? what friends
28. Who has more siblings? he does
29. Who wears the pants in the family? inspite of what some would say... he definitely wears the pants and I respect him %100.
2. How long have you been together? March 21, 2001 was our first date.
How long did you date? I don'tknow... I've never counted it up... we got married in Sept of 2003.
How old is your man? will be 28 in Feb
Who eats more? I do...
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did
7. Who is taller? Matty
8. Who sings better? He does... He's very talented
9. Who is smarter? HE IS BY FAR!!!!!!
10. Whose temper is worse? Mine
11. Who does the laundry? We both do.
12. Who takes out the garbage? I don't do garbage
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does if you are laying in the bed, but if you are looking at the bed, I do! ? hard questions!
14. Who pays the bills? I actually write out the checks but he knows everything about our financial stuff
15. Who is better with the computer? me
16. Who mows the lawn? the lawn man
17. Who cooks dinner? Me but he would if I asked him to
18. Who drives when you are together? I do
19. Who pays when you go out? it comes out of the same account
20. Who is most stubborn? me
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? my hubby... but he's hardly ever wrong
22. Whose parents do you see the most? thats a tie
23. Who kissed who first? I remember wanting him to kiss me but he didn't... finally he did or maybe it was mutual
24. Who asked who out? if i had to say I'd probably say him but its hard to explain
25. Who proposed? Matty... and it was a surprise
26. Who is more sensitive? More sensitive... i dunno... we're both pretty sensitive to each other's needs
27. Who has more friends? what friends
28. Who has more siblings? he does
29. Who wears the pants in the family? inspite of what some would say... he definitely wears the pants and I respect him %100.
Friday, September 21, 2007
I know Crystal has already posted her thought on the show but here are mine...
I'm a big Survivor fan and I have been for the last several years. When I first heard they were going to be in China I have to admit... I was thinking... Are they going to be in a city or somethign?? Why would Survivor do that? But I quickly learned there were a lot of jungles in China.
As the showed started they were told is was not a religious thing but that they monks wanted to welcome them by having some sort of ceremony in the temple. Well I'm with Leslye... looked like a worship thing to me! I was hoping she wouldn't be frowned upon by her other tribemates for making that stand and she didn't seem to be.
Right away the girl from New York, Courtney, bothered me. She was arrogant. The other lady that bothered me was Sherea. She was very whinny. I like 'P G'... I felt like she was trying to get things accomplished but everyone else was okay with having/doing nothing. Thats gotta be frustrating!
I hated to see Chicken go so soon. He started off trying to tell them what to do but b/c they didn't listen he hushed up and kept quiet. I felt like that was a little immature esp when they tried to ask his opinion but he refused to give it.
I think Jamie will stay under the radar and make it a long way. She seems to be real quiet but all that can change.
I think Jamie will stay under the radar and make it a long way. She seems to be real quiet but all that can change.
Another one I think will make it far is Erik b/c he seemed to stay pretty quiet too.

Good Book
Darcy loves to read. This morning I found her like this... laying on her Dora couch reading Monsters Inc.
My little tough guy
Jeremiah's new thing is to climb ontop of the coffee table and STAND! Last night he fell off and landed on a toy. See his black eye... poor fella.
My Homemade Fall Decor
Whatcha think? Cute huh! I've had the tin. It came from Southern Living years ago. I just bought some ribbon and flowers at walmart. I spend about $6. I love it!
I love buying seasonal and holiday decor. But I rarely have the money to do so. I thought this was a very cute and cheap way to decorate my front door.
I love buying seasonal and holiday decor. But I rarely have the money to do so. I thought this was a very cute and cheap way to decorate my front door.
Famous Celebrity Twins
Alexandra Paul
(actor, Baywatch)
Montgomery Clift
(movie actor)
Elvis Presley
Albert Bell
(pro baseball player)
Deidre Hall
(actor, Days of Our Lives)
Linda Hamilton
Jill Hennessey
(actor, Law & Order)
Kiefer Sutherland
Ann Landers
(advice columnist)
John Elway
(former pro football player)
Um... they left off Mary Kate and Ashley!
Guess who else has twins!!!
Famous Parentsof Twins
George W. Bush
(U.S. President)
Madeleine Albright
(former U.S. Secretary of State)
Ed Asner
Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini
(actress and director)
Corbin Bernsen and Amanda Pays
David Birney and Meredith Baxter
Beverly Cleary
(children's author)
Bing Crosby
Kerry Kennedy Cuomo
(lawyer, daughter RFK)
Robert DeNiro
John Engler—triplets
(Former Gov. of Michigan)
Mia Farrowand Andre Previn
(actress and musician)
Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan
Mel Gibson
Bruce Hornsby
Ron Howard
King Hussein
(former King of Jordan)
Christine Lahti
Ivan Lendl
(tennis pro)
Loretta Lynn
Jane Pauleyand Garry Trudeau
(journalist and cartoonist)
Henry Mancini
Ricky Nelson
(soccer superstar)
Holly Robinson Peete
Ruth Pointer
(singer, The Pointer Sisters)
Patricia Richardson
Julia Roberts
Nelson Rockefeller
(former U.S. Vice President)
Jane Seymour
Cybill Sheperd
William Shakespeare
James Stewart
Donald Sutherland
Nikki Taylor
Margaret Thatcher
(former Prime Minister of Great Britain)
Richard Thomas — triplets
Denzel Washington
Mary Alice Williams
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Double Whammy
My front brakes started making noises a week ago... Finally yesterday they were so bad that I was afraid they'd go out. We dropped it off at our mechanics last night. This morning the mechanic calls to tell me that its not just my front brakes but my back ones are bad too! GREAT! Its double what I expected to pay.
My tires need rotated and balanced... Matt's too. I think we're both about to have to get new tires!
Tonight we're replacing the heating elements in my hot water heater... we've had very little hot water for almost 2 weeks!
The jeans I bought at Lane Bryant are too big. I was in a hurry and got two different sizes... I wore them last night so I don't think I can take them back. It made me sick!
I almost forgot... I called today to get matt's test score... He missed it by 3 points!
My tires need rotated and balanced... Matt's too. I think we're both about to have to get new tires!
Tonight we're replacing the heating elements in my hot water heater... we've had very little hot water for almost 2 weeks!
The jeans I bought at Lane Bryant are too big. I was in a hurry and got two different sizes... I wore them last night so I don't think I can take them back. It made me sick!
I almost forgot... I called today to get matt's test score... He missed it by 3 points!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow the Yellow Brick Road...
I've never heard of Wicked but I loved The Wizard of OZ. Here's what I found out about Wicked...
Long before Dorothy dropped in, two other girls meet in the Land of Oz. One, born with emerald-green skin, is smart, fiery and misunderstood. The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. How these two unlikely friends end up as the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch makes for the most spellbinding new musical in years.
Wicked, the untold story of the witches of Oz, features music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz (Godspell, Pippin, Academy Award winner for Pocahontas and The Prince of Egypt) and book by Winnie Holzman ("My So Called Life," "Once And Again" and "thirtysomething"), and is based on the best-selling novel by Gregory Maguire. With musical staging by Tony Award winner Wayne Cilento (Aida, The Who's Tommy, How To Succeed...), WICKED is directed by 2003 Tony Award winner Joe Mantello (Take Me Out, Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, A Man of No Importance).
If you interested in getting Wicked Tickets follow the yellow brick... i mean click on the link :)
I've never heard of Wicked but I loved The Wizard of OZ. Here's what I found out about Wicked...
Long before Dorothy dropped in, two other girls meet in the Land of Oz. One, born with emerald-green skin, is smart, fiery and misunderstood. The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. How these two unlikely friends end up as the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch makes for the most spellbinding new musical in years.
Wicked, the untold story of the witches of Oz, features music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz (Godspell, Pippin, Academy Award winner for Pocahontas and The Prince of Egypt) and book by Winnie Holzman ("My So Called Life," "Once And Again" and "thirtysomething"), and is based on the best-selling novel by Gregory Maguire. With musical staging by Tony Award winner Wayne Cilento (Aida, The Who's Tommy, How To Succeed...), WICKED is directed by 2003 Tony Award winner Joe Mantello (Take Me Out, Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, A Man of No Importance).
If you interested in getting Wicked Tickets follow the yellow brick... i mean click on the link :)
Concession Stand Duties
I've been asked to write about popcorn machines. Well let me just tell ya... we have one in the concession stand at the gym and everytime we crank it up people flock to it! The smell of melted butter flows through the air. There's just something about good ole popcorn made it one of those glass boxes.
Even when I go to the movies I've gotta have a bucket of popcorn. Popcorn made in the microwave is just not the same.
Even when I go to the movies I've gotta have a bucket of popcorn. Popcorn made in the microwave is just not the same.
Here is goes...
I'm a little frustrated right now.... okay so more than a little. Here's why...
Our anniversary was last week (Thursday). Someone offered us FREE tickets to the comedy club but we had to pass them up b/c we couldn't find a babysitter. On Sunday Matthew and I wanted to spend the day together but again.... we couldn't find a babysitter. Next Saturday Jessica has another volleyball tournament (this will be the third Saturday in a row). The tournament is in Selma and Matthew wants to go too BUT we can't find a babysitter!!!!
In all of the above events we asked my mom but she had some excuse everytime. She's supposed to be 'thinking' about babysitting this Saturday. One of the reasons why she doesn't want to is b/c we want her to come to our house. Here's why...
My parents have NOTHING at their house for my kids. No highchair no crib/playpen - nothing! They put them in the den and slide the couch in front of the stairs so they can't escape.
At our house they've got everything they need. Its child proofed. There's high chairs and a place for them to take a nap!!! Its just a lot easier on my kids to stay home! Now at the Brocks its a different story... they have a big room blocked off just for them. They've got highchairs and TWO playpens so they can take a nap. But my parents have made no effort to have anything like that at their house. So can you blame me for asking them to come to my house???
The Brocks were out of town last week visiting Michael and Heather. If they were here they would have babysat. This weekend Mr. B bought tickets to the Auburn game for Mrs. B for their anniversary... or else they'd volunteer. I just get so tired of my mom always giving me a zillion reasons of why she can't babysit. I don't ask them often and they NEVER ask us to bring them over.
Our anniversary was last week (Thursday). Someone offered us FREE tickets to the comedy club but we had to pass them up b/c we couldn't find a babysitter. On Sunday Matthew and I wanted to spend the day together but again.... we couldn't find a babysitter. Next Saturday Jessica has another volleyball tournament (this will be the third Saturday in a row). The tournament is in Selma and Matthew wants to go too BUT we can't find a babysitter!!!!
In all of the above events we asked my mom but she had some excuse everytime. She's supposed to be 'thinking' about babysitting this Saturday. One of the reasons why she doesn't want to is b/c we want her to come to our house. Here's why...
My parents have NOTHING at their house for my kids. No highchair no crib/playpen - nothing! They put them in the den and slide the couch in front of the stairs so they can't escape.
At our house they've got everything they need. Its child proofed. There's high chairs and a place for them to take a nap!!! Its just a lot easier on my kids to stay home! Now at the Brocks its a different story... they have a big room blocked off just for them. They've got highchairs and TWO playpens so they can take a nap. But my parents have made no effort to have anything like that at their house. So can you blame me for asking them to come to my house???
The Brocks were out of town last week visiting Michael and Heather. If they were here they would have babysat. This weekend Mr. B bought tickets to the Auburn game for Mrs. B for their anniversary... or else they'd volunteer. I just get so tired of my mom always giving me a zillion reasons of why she can't babysit. I don't ask them often and they NEVER ask us to bring them over.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
For some of you this will mean nothing... but some of you will understand
I FOUND MUTT ON MYSPACE!!!!! We've been messaging back and forth. He said he went to Kingwood a few wednesday nights looking for people he knew but didn't recognize anyone. We've been looking for each other for a few years now but now we found each other!!!! He's on my friends listed under Mutt if you wanna check him out.
I FOUND MUTT ON MYSPACE!!!!! We've been messaging back and forth. He said he went to Kingwood a few wednesday nights looking for people he knew but didn't recognize anyone. We've been looking for each other for a few years now but now we found each other!!!! He's on my friends listed under Mutt if you wanna check him out.
How Cool is that!?!
I have this assignment to do on RC helicopters and at first I thought... WHAT? I don't know anything about helicopters but then I realized it was for REMOTE CONTROL helicpoters. How neat!! So this web page has all sorts of flying things. Its pretty cool you should definitely check it out. Maybe with 2 boys will get one down the line. I remember the neighborhood kids having remote control cars... wow things have changed!
Going West?

Who do you think lives in those Las Vegas luxury homes? Do you think its someone who hit it big in the casino? Is it celebrities? Doctors? Lawyers? Since I was a little girl I've always been fascinated with homes and who lives in the homes I see. My dad is a real estate appraiser and I used to go to work with when I was younger. We'd go in some really nice houses. I would always say... "who lives there?" and my dad would tell me "oh, thats a lawyers house." Some times I think over sized homes are waste. But I guess to some people the bigger the better.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
We got home yesterday around 5pm. We had a great time in Florence. Jessica's team is still pretty young but they played well. The varsity girls let me down... I really thought they'd get further than they did but we lost out pretty early on Saturday. I had a great time with all the parents and players. I had dinner with parents and played cards with the players... I look forward to next year!
Matthew took his test on Saturday. He says he failed. He said there was a lot of stuff on the test that he had not studied... he's been studying consistently since January. But its a hard test and with a house full of kids finding time to study is a challenge. I'm hoping that he's just being too hard on himself and that he really passed. I guess we'll see.
The boys are still snotty. Jessica has a game this week. I have a closing. Our anniversary is Thursday. Saturday is an all day tournament.
Matthew took his test on Saturday. He says he failed. He said there was a lot of stuff on the test that he had not studied... he's been studying consistently since January. But its a hard test and with a house full of kids finding time to study is a challenge. I'm hoping that he's just being too hard on himself and that he really passed. I guess we'll see.
The boys are still snotty. Jessica has a game this week. I have a closing. Our anniversary is Thursday. Saturday is an all day tournament.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
jessica is on her way to her volleyball tournament... i'm leaving around 8 in the morning. my chest hurts... i think i'm trying to get what the kids have... isn't it nice of them to share it with me :)
darcy decided to unwrap about a dozen tampons today and play with them... I let her... they were already open so why not?
the boys no longer use their saucers... they roam free now.
matthew's still icky... pray for him b/c he has his test saturday morning.
darcy decided to unwrap about a dozen tampons today and play with them... I let her... they were already open so why not?
the boys no longer use their saucers... they roam free now.
matthew's still icky... pray for him b/c he has his test saturday morning.
Good Manors
Darcy came into our room in the middle of the night. She very politely said "I peed. Change my diaper please."
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Life in my shoes
I know I'm long overdue for a post... sorry.
Last Saturday night matthew, jessica and myself camped out in the backyard. We even made a camp fire! Darcy spent the night with his parents and the boys slept in their cribs... don't worry we used our baby monitors to listen out for the boys. I came in sometime around 12:30am. My back was hurting... and I wanted my bed!
Monday we grilled out with our families. We had invited more folks over but had to uninvite them b/c our little ones were getting icky. In fact, I'm using up some medicine I had left over. I hope it works. Jeremiah seems to be the worst. I think its some sort of cold. Poor Matthew has it too! I felt crummy for a few days but I'm waaay over it.
Friday I leave for Florence. Jessica has a volleyball tournament Friday and Saturday. Matthew is taking off work Friday to stay with the kids - AND NO ITS NOT BABYSITTING WHEN ITS YOUR OWN KIDS!!!!
Saturday morning Matthew has to retake his journeyman's test. This will be the third and FINAL time. The first time he took it was when he first got out of night school... he missed it by 3 points. The next time he took it was right after we had Darcy... he didn't put a lot of time into studying. This time around he's been pretty consistent in studying. I am 100% confident he'll pass. hope so anyways
working from home has slowed down a little bit... my boss was in Israel for 10 days. But in the meantime I've been selling stuff on ebay... and buying too :)
Well the boys are finished with their breakfast...
oh wait... Jacob has been really bad about taking off his diaper lately. Well last night while I was at Jessica's game Matthew left the boys in their room to play while he studied. He walked to the top of the stairs every now and then to get a glimpse of their little heads but that was about it. About an hour and half later he decided it was time for dinner so he went upstairs to round em up. As he entered their room he said the smell hit him. Jacob had taken off his diaper, pooped and then he and Jeremiah played in it!!!! He said it was all over them, their toys, walls and everything thing else they could get their little poopy hands on. He said it was way worse than the time Darcy did it (which I still have nightmares of that incident). He said it took him TWO HOURS to clean everything up. When I came home there was a few toys on the front porch that he wanted to get my opinion on... they were trashed. My MIL has been telling me to use duct tape but I didn't want it to come to that... but matthew, the genius that he is, put pants on him and he couldn't take off his diaper. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??? LOL
One more thing... he said before he'd put pants on him that he'd keep taking his diaper off so matthew would pop him on the leg and tell him no.... well this morning when I walked into their room Jacob kept telling me "no" while shaking his head... too cute!
Last Saturday night matthew, jessica and myself camped out in the backyard. We even made a camp fire! Darcy spent the night with his parents and the boys slept in their cribs... don't worry we used our baby monitors to listen out for the boys. I came in sometime around 12:30am. My back was hurting... and I wanted my bed!
Monday we grilled out with our families. We had invited more folks over but had to uninvite them b/c our little ones were getting icky. In fact, I'm using up some medicine I had left over. I hope it works. Jeremiah seems to be the worst. I think its some sort of cold. Poor Matthew has it too! I felt crummy for a few days but I'm waaay over it.
Friday I leave for Florence. Jessica has a volleyball tournament Friday and Saturday. Matthew is taking off work Friday to stay with the kids - AND NO ITS NOT BABYSITTING WHEN ITS YOUR OWN KIDS!!!!
Saturday morning Matthew has to retake his journeyman's test. This will be the third and FINAL time. The first time he took it was when he first got out of night school... he missed it by 3 points. The next time he took it was right after we had Darcy... he didn't put a lot of time into studying. This time around he's been pretty consistent in studying. I am 100% confident he'll pass. hope so anyways
working from home has slowed down a little bit... my boss was in Israel for 10 days. But in the meantime I've been selling stuff on ebay... and buying too :)
Well the boys are finished with their breakfast...
oh wait... Jacob has been really bad about taking off his diaper lately. Well last night while I was at Jessica's game Matthew left the boys in their room to play while he studied. He walked to the top of the stairs every now and then to get a glimpse of their little heads but that was about it. About an hour and half later he decided it was time for dinner so he went upstairs to round em up. As he entered their room he said the smell hit him. Jacob had taken off his diaper, pooped and then he and Jeremiah played in it!!!! He said it was all over them, their toys, walls and everything thing else they could get their little poopy hands on. He said it was way worse than the time Darcy did it (which I still have nightmares of that incident). He said it took him TWO HOURS to clean everything up. When I came home there was a few toys on the front porch that he wanted to get my opinion on... they were trashed. My MIL has been telling me to use duct tape but I didn't want it to come to that... but matthew, the genius that he is, put pants on him and he couldn't take off his diaper. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??? LOL
One more thing... he said before he'd put pants on him that he'd keep taking his diaper off so matthew would pop him on the leg and tell him no.... well this morning when I walked into their room Jacob kept telling me "no" while shaking his head... too cute!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Praise The Lord!!
This weekend Jessica has a tournament in Florence, AL which is a good 3 hours away. Originally I planned on leaving after school with the team on Thursday but plans have changed. Our girls aren't scheduled to play until 12:40pm so I'm going up Friday morning instead... which saves me $80 on a room. Yippee!!!!!
Monday, September 03, 2007
If in need...
I'll look this guy up medical malpractice attorney New York. My current boss is a part of a big firm here in the Birmingham area. They do a lot of this sort of stuff. In fact they're looking into Lisa's gastric bypass surgery. The only thing about these sort of cases is you've got to find people in the medical field willing to go against colleagues. But if you can win your case its worth MEGA money!!!
I'm always looking at skin care products whether I'm in need of any or not... I just can't help looking. I love buying a new product... I break it open right away even it there's half a bottle of something else. I try really hard to hold out but it just doesn't work. Its my weakness. One of my favorites things to buy is facial stuff... like masks and etc. I love it when it tingles b/c it makes me *feel* like its working. Am I the only one with this problem???
I love to look at real estate online. I'm not planning on moving for a really long time but I can't help but to wonder what else is out there. Does anyone else do look at houses online? I also like to look at houses in other areas just to see the difference in cost. Its amazing how much a 3 bedroom home in one state cost verses another state (or sometimes just the next city over).
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Blast Off
A few years back matthew was working at a church in homewood.... they gave matthew this rocket ship from the playground cause they were updating their equipment... our kids LOVE it.
Look close... Do you see the wet spot on my chair??? Jacob managed to pee all over my chair from his crib about 2 feet away!
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