Monday, August 11, 2008


I'm having a rough morning. I'm so full of mixed emotions right now. I took my baby girl to her first day of school. I did good while getting her ready. I was real upbeat... trying to convince her everything was going to be GREAT. But really I was the one that needed convincing. I took her to her classroom and she took off and left me at the door!!! I went in after her to get some pictures. I showed her where to put her book bag. She sat in her seat and started coloring. She did great! I, on the other hand, had the make a quick exit b/c I could feel the tears coming on. I didn't even get out of the building before I lost it! I made myself sick. I called Matthew and he had to calm me down. I'm okay at the moment but my eyes are tearing up just typing this out. gotta run.

we didn't find her pillow :(

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I understand... she's home now, right? Was she so excited to see you?