Sunday, January 21, 2007

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word


I think GROSS!

Now please don't be offended by what I'm about to say (type) but when I think of thongs I see young girls in low riding jeans with their thongs showing. I don't think... A good way to hide panty lines. A few months ago someone gave Jessica a bag of hand me down clothes.... there was a pair of RED THONGS in there. Of course I threw them away b/c I think for an eleven year old girl thats not appropriate. I think when young girls start worrying about what underwear they wearing its time for parents to worry about what they're doing. Am I right or just too overprotective?


Anonymous said...

Most all of my teenagers (at church)wear them- they show them off, and are not ashamed to let people see them. It drives me crazy. Their excuse is the whole panty line deal. To me Thongs represent SEX appeal. Not hiding panty lines. If you are wearing clothes so tight that you have to worry about your panties showing, then there is a problem too!

Although on a funny side note, today on my way to lunch there was a girl out on the street dressed in a teal gown and wearing a crown and holding a torch- she works for a TAX office that is promoting TAXES, and she is dressed like Statue of Liberety- well- its like 40 degrees today and that poor girl was shinning through so bad that even at 40 miles per hour you could see them. I was grossed out and laughing and feeling bad for her all at the same time.

But back to Jess- good job on throwing them away. I'm proud of you. you are a great mom Nicole- don't doubt yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah- and if they are hiding their panty lines but not their panties (when you see them on their back) then that is just dumb. I would rather see lines, than satin (SP) and lace.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that panties is something that should be handed down anyway! N A S T Y !!!

I agree with Staci. You are a great MOM. Don't doubt your belief.

Anonymous said...

I also wondered why someone would hand down undies, unless they were never used, but still its really too personal a thing to handdown.
Here is something to make you laugh though. One of the ladies at work just asked me what I thought of when you hear the word "thong". I told her it depended on what generation the person is who is asking me because it could be one of 2 things. When I was a kid those things you put on your feet that are now called flip flops were called thongs - at least up here in Chicago!