Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The REAL idiot!

John Kerry is an ASS!!!!!

I think its funny that the democratic party uses the donkey as their symbol.

This morning I was up bright and early watching the news. I caught the speech where John Kerry was going on and on about (and i'm paraphrasing here) how if you study hard and work hard than you'll be smart and IF NOT then you'll end up in Iraq. Now of course to me thats a direct insult to our military NOT to our President. In another press conference he said "lets make this crystal clear, I will NOT apoligize to our President for the remarks I said about his failure in Iraq"... Maybe somebody needs to make it "crystal clear" to him that what he said about our troops being STUPID doesn't have anything to do with our President's failures in Iraq!!!!!!!!!!!

Its your American duty to our TROOPS and our nation to vote!!!!! Don't be lazy!!!! If you don't vote then you have no right to complain about politics.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you and your opinions of Kerry. I'm glad he's not the one in the White House, or we might have had bigger problems than 9-11 (hard to imagine, but I think it's true)

The reaon he apologized was because he was SUPPOSED to say that if you don't study hard then you will be the President doing these stupid things in Iraq (paraphrase from me). Just "funny" that he ended up saying things the way he did. I guess we know his true feelings about our troops.

Anonymous said...

I don't think as a former military man Kerry would intentionally insult the troops. Shame on him if he did. I think it was an unfortunate part of politics that caused his blunder - the need to mud sling. I would love to see a campaign where neither candidate (or supporters of candidates)had to insult the other and only the issues are discussed. It just doesn't seem to happen - even in small town politics. I think he got caught up in his excitement with the crowd and intended slam of Bush that he completely forgot what he was supposed to say. But he does need to own up an offer a true apology and not hide behind a "you know what I meant" excuse. What's important right now is not how smart our president is - or isn't - it's how to resolve the issues at hand.

Anonymous said...

I follow news and politics. Tonight
I heard that the liberal news media which is ABC,NBC,CBS,others and liberal Newspapers have come out of the closet about their news and snippets and that they favor and build up the liberal view on 88 percent of their programs. No wonder the world thinks President Bush is not bright. I can't believe that American people are so blind and stupid that they are swayed by such unbalanced news coverage. I will rarely give them a moment of my time. I watch and listen to Fox News Channel especially Bill O'Rielly and Sean Hannity. If you have dishnetwork they are on channel 205. They give both sides of the story.

I also listen 1070 am radio during the day. Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham are 2 of my favorites. The radio has a different format.
Right now I am having to take a break because I get too upset at what is going on with the Kool-Aid
drinking liberals. I don't want to stroke over them. I just don't vote for em. All Republicans are not perfect but I chose them over the others every time. At the beginning of this I was just going to say Amen to your comments about
John Kerry but I forgot it, so...