Saturday, May 02, 2009

My kids let me sleep in this morning.... well I was actually having a pretty weird dream and didn't hear them. My hubby is working again today. But he has to be home in time to go to Jessica's sports banquet at 6pm. I've always skipped these in the past but this year we're going. I hope its not too boring :)

Last night we went to Matt's sister house for a little get together... the kids played outside the whole time which meant Matthew was outside the whole time which meant his allergies are really kicking his butt!

I called the doctors office the other day b/c his allergy medicine had no refills left on it. Fiinally 2 days later they called it in! Matthew went to pick it up and instead of it costing the usual $9 it cost $61!! They decided to change his presciption. I told him to get it anyways that maybe it would be really good. I was thinking I might can work this into our monthly budget esp if it really helps him. When he got home I looked at the bottle... its only a 15 day supply!!! When these run out I'll be calling the doctor for something cheaper! haha

well about half way through this post I realized I had nothing important to say and that I was boring myself... so I'm done.

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