Monday, May 18, 2009


Did I mention that for the first time EVER I have a 4.0 GPA!!! I never made A honor roll in HS and I don't really know that I made A B honor roll. But things are different when you're older... you're wiser! And you realize the importance of things! I'm so grateful for this opportunity to go to college and get a nursing degree. My husband and kids are very supportive. I looked at my plan again the other day and reworked it. I'll be starting Nursing school in the Fall of 2010 if my schedule works out. I'll be taking 4 classes in the fall and spring semisters maybe adding a 5th one... or taking 2 during the summer of 2010. But I have a plan and thats all that matters. I'm not rushing it b/c I don't want to overload myself... I am a mom to 4 children and a wife to a wonderful husband... all of which need me (and I need them).

gotta run to the store! show some love... I haven't had very many comments lately!


Unknown said...

yoooouuuu cannnn doooo ittt!!!

Denise said...

Congrats!!! Keep up the good work! Keep your goals in sight - even if you have to change plans here and there!

native-nc said...


~Crystal~ said...

Yay Nicole! So awesome!