Monday, May 11, 2009

Great Weekend

Friday night I had to work a fund raiser at the school... we babysat to raise money for basketball camp. Afterwards the girls and I... along with some boys from school went to a "haunted house" but it wasn't very scary. Jessica and her friend were scared but the thrill for the rest of us came when the cops came! LOL Yes, I'm a little too old to be running from the cops.

Saturday morning we had ANOTHER fund raiser.... we washed cars. I say WE b/c I had to help! I really intended on just taking Jessica there and supervising the girls. I was told very quickly that we were all helping. After that Jessica and I rode horses with Stephanie and her mom.

Saturday night I had a date with my hubby to see Vallejo... Jessica chickened out at the last minute to stay home with the kids... I'm guessing the night before wasn't a good idea! But Matt's dad came to the rescue AGAIN! We didn't get home until 2AM! We had a blast but on the way home we were talking about how we were glad that thats not our lifestyle anymore.

Sunday was Mother's Day! Jessica got me a Tim Tebow jersey!!! I was sooo thrilled!!! Matt and the little ones got me a hammock... aka a turtle! LOL Darcy tends to tell me what they get me so he threw her off by telling her I was getting a turtle... and sure enough she told me I was getting a turtle... okay okay so I asked her! But it worked b/c I was clueless! I didn't make it to church Sunday morning b/c I was soo tired from the night before and the little ones were moving very fast. Matthew went and played and then came back home. We went to his parents house for lunch... more like a feast! His dad goes overboard :) Sunday night we went to our small group study... we're doing the Fireproof your Marriage study.

I had a very fun filled weekend! I love my husband and I love my kids! I'm truly blessed!

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