Do you remember that place at the mall with the remote control helicopters? I used to beg my parents for one when I was little and now I finally have one. I love it! Its tiny and very light weight. Its pretty easy to fly too. Our friends had one last year at their Christmas party and the kids loved it. They chased that thing all around the church. And let me tell ya... they're not easily broken. My boys attacked it several times and it was fine. I was worried that I'd be buying them a new helicopter! But at the time I had no idea how reasonably priced they are... you can get one like this for around $20. Thats not bad! I've only got one but I might have to buy one for each of the kids... and maybe the adults too! I love my little helicopter!!! The kids will open it on Christmas morning. I'm sure its going to be a big hit!
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