Monday, October 01, 2007

Cody News!

I don't know where you stand with Jesus but I'm just going to say that GOD IS GOOD!!!! And I know HE had his hands in this situation. I've been sending you guys emails about my nephew, Cody... some of you got them b/c you're family and some got them b/c I needed prayer warriors (some are both).

We've had a very emotional week filled with ups and downs. But today I have GREAT NEWS!!! Cody's test all came back fine. The adnormalites found earlier are gone. They're going to keep him a few more days while he comes off the medicine they've had him on. He is eating, gaining weight and doing WELL.

Thank you for all of your prayers!

1 comment:

Eric said...

That is Awesome!!!

And yes, I can get you some seasoning. We of course have ALL kinds!

How do you want to go about getting these? You do pass Calera all the time going home.