4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Las Vegas anyone?
If I ever make it to Las Vegas I would definitely consider staying at the Stratosphere. This place is AWESOME! At 1,149 feet, the Stratosphere's observation tower is the tallest building in the West! The top of the Stratosphere Tower is well known for its amusement rides overlooking the Las Vegas Strip. There's the 866 foot high X-Scream teeter-totter, the Big Shot and Insanity the Ride. There's also a restaurant with amazing views. I bet that thing sways! How scary!
Whatcha think?
I've often thought about getting my real estate license and becoming a realtor. It wouldn't be a bad thing to have. I could have it just to have or I could actually sell houses. My entire family is somehow involved in real estate and has been as long as I can remember. You can get your license online or you can go to night school for 6 weeks (i think). I know theres a lot of start up cost involved. You have to pay fees and pay for all of you advertising. Its definitely something to think about. Maybe somewhere down the line I'll go for it.
A little R & R
Have you ever stayed in a bed and breakfast? I have... in fact we stayed in one the first night we were married. It was very nice. We've been trying to get back there ever since. It was in Vincent, AL. It was called Blue Spring Manor. I would love to stay in another B&B. Check out this site Michigan bed and breakfast. It has B & B listed from all over the states. I'm sure you could find one close to you... a weekend getaway would be nice :)
I've known people with addictions... whether it be drugs, alcohol or some other form of addiction. Its a serious matter. Most people try and take care of it on their own but many end up at a drug rehab where they can get professional help. People there are trained to help deal with every aspect of addiction. The biggest obstacle is getting someone to get help. But until they can admit they have a problem they will not get better.
I left my camera in Elamville and its killing me!!!!!!!!! I wanted to grab my camera so many times over the weekend!
I gave Darcy bangs and it almost killed me. She did great but she looks sooo different. I also shaved the boys heads. They all look so much older. I also had them in some cute little Halloween shirts for the Hayride Saturday night but didn't get a picture of that either!!
I think I'm going to buy myself an early Christmas present... there's a polaroid camera on sale at Target thats pretty good. It's got 7 mega pixels and a 3 zoom... thats good right?
I gave Darcy bangs and it almost killed me. She did great but she looks sooo different. I also shaved the boys heads. They all look so much older. I also had them in some cute little Halloween shirts for the Hayride Saturday night but didn't get a picture of that either!!
I think I'm going to buy myself an early Christmas present... there's a polaroid camera on sale at Target thats pretty good. It's got 7 mega pixels and a 3 zoom... thats good right?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Come see me
I'm working at Little Italy's in Alabaster next to the Publix.
I'm working today b/c another girl called in sick. I'm also scheduled to work Friday night.
Tuesday night is kids night.
Its a buffet. One child per adult... kids eat for 99 cents... i think adults are $7... it includes drinks!
They also deliver.
Come see me!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Last night Matthew and I were talking before going to sleep. He asked me if we should be worried that Darcy didn't want to talk to Jesus. He told me of their earlier conversation while he was putting her down for the night. This is how it went...
Matthew: Let's pray
Darcy: No
Matthew: Don't you want to talk to Jesus?
Darcy: No
Matthew: You need to talk to Jesus every day.
Darcy: I already did!
Matthew: when?
He was laughing while telling me this story. I thought it was pretty funny myself.
Matthew: Let's pray
Darcy: No
Matthew: Don't you want to talk to Jesus?
Darcy: No
Matthew: You need to talk to Jesus every day.
Darcy: I already did!
Matthew: when?
He was laughing while telling me this story. I thought it was pretty funny myself.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Growing Babies
Jessica is almost as tall as me now. She starts basketball practice today. This will be her 2nd year to play. Last year she actually scored a basket... it was pretty close to the 3 point line but not quite there. She's the smallest on the team.
Darcy is 37 1/4 inches tall. She weights 30 pounds even. She's very smart. The things she says cracks me up. Some of the newest things she says is "listen carefully", "just a minute please" and "I love you very much." She always says after every commercial "you go to the store and buy me that!" She knows her birthday, her name and our names. She knows her shapes, colors and can say her alphabet. She loves to draw.
Jacob is 33 inches tall and weights 27lbs 12oz. Jacob is babbling more and more. He doesn't really say anything. Sometimes he tries to repeat us which is pretty cute. His new thing is to stuff things in his ear which is pretty scary to me! Last night he was stuffing carrots in his ear and shaking his head like he was saying "sorry mom I can't hear ya!" He fights going be bed but he's hard to wake once he's asleep. He squints his eyes when he smiles. He's a flirt!
Jeremiah is 33 1/2 inches tall and weights 28lbs 4oz. Jeremiah is a momma's boy and I don't mind one bit! He loves on me all the time. He sucks his blanket when he gets tired. He never fights going to bed. He loves his sleep. He grunts a lot instead of trying to talk. I get really annoyed when people call him the whinny one b/c thats his way of communicating right now. They BOTH whine. He gets tickeled real easily. On the way to school yesterday he just started laughing and couldn't stop.
Well the kids are napping and I need to take a shower... I'm working tonight :) I've got beef tips in the crock pot for Matthew and the kids.
Darcy is 37 1/4 inches tall. She weights 30 pounds even. She's very smart. The things she says cracks me up. Some of the newest things she says is "listen carefully", "just a minute please" and "I love you very much." She always says after every commercial "you go to the store and buy me that!" She knows her birthday, her name and our names. She knows her shapes, colors and can say her alphabet. She loves to draw.
Jacob is 33 inches tall and weights 27lbs 12oz. Jacob is babbling more and more. He doesn't really say anything. Sometimes he tries to repeat us which is pretty cute. His new thing is to stuff things in his ear which is pretty scary to me! Last night he was stuffing carrots in his ear and shaking his head like he was saying "sorry mom I can't hear ya!" He fights going be bed but he's hard to wake once he's asleep. He squints his eyes when he smiles. He's a flirt!
Jeremiah is 33 1/2 inches tall and weights 28lbs 4oz. Jeremiah is a momma's boy and I don't mind one bit! He loves on me all the time. He sucks his blanket when he gets tired. He never fights going to bed. He loves his sleep. He grunts a lot instead of trying to talk. I get really annoyed when people call him the whinny one b/c thats his way of communicating right now. They BOTH whine. He gets tickeled real easily. On the way to school yesterday he just started laughing and couldn't stop.
Well the kids are napping and I need to take a shower... I'm working tonight :) I've got beef tips in the crock pot for Matthew and the kids.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ring Ring
Have you ever answered the phone and on the other end it be someone doing market research? Their calls can sometimes be annoying... especially if its dinner time or during your favorite show. But the purpose of those calls are actually to benefit us. The voice on the other end is wanting to know what we like and dislike so the BIG companies can get a better understanding of what we need and want. So before you hang up on the next 'telemarketer' just think... they are actually trying to do some good for ya!
I've seen it all
Sorry to any men that are reading this entry.
Have you read up on progesterone lately? I have! LOL I just followed the link and there all sorts of stuff there you can find. Progesterone’s most important role in the woman’s body is to balance or oppose estrogen. Here's some things is good for
Protects against breast fibrocycts
Helps use fat for energy
Natural Diuretic
Natural anti-depressant
Normalizes blood sugar levels
Normalizes blood clotting
Increases libido
Restores proper cell oxygen levels
Prevents endometrical cancer
Helps prevent breast cancer
Improves vascular tone
Have you read up on progesterone lately? I have! LOL I just followed the link and there all sorts of stuff there you can find. Progesterone’s most important role in the woman’s body is to balance or oppose estrogen. Here's some things is good for
Protects against breast fibrocycts
Helps use fat for energy
Natural Diuretic
Natural anti-depressant
Normalizes blood sugar levels
Normalizes blood clotting
Increases libido
Restores proper cell oxygen levels
Prevents endometrical cancer
Helps prevent breast cancer
Improves vascular tone
Well if you've been to any electronic store lately you've seen the choices in television sets. It can be very overwhelming trying to compare and decide which tv you need. I've just been researching projection televisions and this is what I found out....
Instead of using a direct-view setup, a projection TV creates a small picture and then uses a beam of light to display that picture at a much larger size.
Projection TVs are available in two main configurations -- front projection and rear projection.
Guess there's alot out there to choose from.
Instead of using a direct-view setup, a projection TV creates a small picture and then uses a beam of light to display that picture at a much larger size.
Projection TVs are available in two main configurations -- front projection and rear projection.
Guess there's alot out there to choose from.
Computer stuff
I'm not really sure how to write about this. I'm not a computer nerd and I can't tell you all the reasons you might need a IBM memory upgrade but just incase you do, you should try the site. They have all sorts of things for your computer. If you store a bunch of stuff you might want to look into something like this. Or maybe if you use up a lot of storage space with pictures you might wanna invest in one.
A new kitchen
One of things I have always wanted to do is remodel my kitchen. I would love to expand it a few feet, rearrange the layout and make it more open. I would love to have new cabinets, countertops and new appliances. I would like to have a breakfast area with bar stools. But of course these things take money and I'll have to wait a while before I can remodel the kitchen. But its okay to dream about it... right?
Busy Weekend
We left for Elamville Friday morning but had to stop by the health department for a quick -HA- visit. The kids did GREAT on the way there and back. On the way there I stopped at the outlet store just below Montgomery on Hwy 231. I had always wanted to stop but we've never had time. Its a Sikes & Kohn outlet. I'm not sure what Sikes & Kohn is but the place has a lot of shoes, jeans, camo and hats. I went in by myself and picked up a few things for Christmas but before I could stop Matthew he had everything pulled out. It was mostly stuff for him! LOL. On the way back home we stopped again and this time we both went in. We had headed out earlier by ourselves and left the little ones with his dad. He met us an hour later to swap out vehicles.
The visit was good. Matthew's aunt and uncle came up from Florida. His great Aunt Helen is the reason we went down. She's my favorite! She's 86 years old or in her words 86 years young. She's a mess! But she's getting older and she's slowing down. Lately she's been talking about when she's gone. She's not sick... she's just old. I don't have any grandparents that I'm close to and I guess I kinda think of her as like a grandmother. She's lived a lot of life and she has a lot of stories about it! I've been trying to talk her into moving up here for a few years now. She says she will but she hasn't. She's married and he's in fairly good health so I guess they'll stay where they're at. She doesn't have any kids but she treats us like her grandkids. I wish she was closer.
Lets move on... something more cheerful! I can't think of anything - sorry!
I have to work 3 nights this week. I'm looking forward to it though b/c Darcy's b'day is Nov 16th and we have several things in mind... not to mention Christmas is just around the corner. Hopefully this will be the best Christmas ever!
Well I'd better go... I haven't done anything today and the kids are about to wake up!
The visit was good. Matthew's aunt and uncle came up from Florida. His great Aunt Helen is the reason we went down. She's my favorite! She's 86 years old or in her words 86 years young. She's a mess! But she's getting older and she's slowing down. Lately she's been talking about when she's gone. She's not sick... she's just old. I don't have any grandparents that I'm close to and I guess I kinda think of her as like a grandmother. She's lived a lot of life and she has a lot of stories about it! I've been trying to talk her into moving up here for a few years now. She says she will but she hasn't. She's married and he's in fairly good health so I guess they'll stay where they're at. She doesn't have any kids but she treats us like her grandkids. I wish she was closer.
Lets move on... something more cheerful! I can't think of anything - sorry!
I have to work 3 nights this week. I'm looking forward to it though b/c Darcy's b'day is Nov 16th and we have several things in mind... not to mention Christmas is just around the corner. Hopefully this will be the best Christmas ever!
Well I'd better go... I haven't done anything today and the kids are about to wake up!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Party Ideas
This is a great idea for birthday parties for children.... animal masks! I might have to get some for the boys' b'day party. Wouldn't that be cute!?! We could all dress up as farm animals. They have all sorts of masks and things on this website. You really need to check it out! They have those cool mask that you see at Mardi Gras. They even have customes to go with the mask.
Computer Nerd
I'm on the computer a lot but I wouldn't say I'm a computer nerd... I really don't know that much about them. I have a lot of stuff saved on my computer... If something happened to it I would lose all my pictures of Darcy and the twins. I guess I need to invest in a external hard drive so I can backup my stuff. And now that I'm working from home that probably wouldn't be a bad idea!! Does anyone do this?
My Dream Home

If anyone's ever in need of a Raleigh personal injury attorneys just let me know. I can recommend some to you. They handle everything;
Accidents involving automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, trains, and pedestrians
Slip and Fall cases
Products Liability
Nursing Home Negligence
Catastrophic Injuries
Security Assaults
Fire Cases due to negligence
They have a reputation for trying cases and getting the most for their client than just settling for less than half of what they could actually receive.
Accidents involving automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, trains, and pedestrians
Slip and Fall cases
Products Liability
Nursing Home Negligence
Catastrophic Injuries
Security Assaults
Fire Cases due to negligence
They have a reputation for trying cases and getting the most for their client than just settling for less than half of what they could actually receive.
Who Knew
I have never heard of Audemars Piguet and from the name I couldn't even guess as to what I was supposed to be writing about! LOL But AP is a brand of watch. But not any watch... EXPENSIVE watches that cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Here's a picture of one from the website.

Its beautiful. I love the horseshoe diamond look. But I would be afraid to wear something so costly for fear of losing it or someone robbing me! LOL If you had the money to buy it, would you???
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I want this!

Prayer Request
I just got a phone call... The principal at Jessica's school found her husband dead last night from a massive heart attack. Please keep the Pickett family in your prayers.
I just wanted to make this point...
My husband is very supportive of everything I do. And I do not do things without consulting him first. I decided to wait tables at night for the simple fact of just getting out of the house for a few hours. I love my kids but I am very seldom away from them. If you know me then you know that I also love people. I need to be around people. I like to be a goof ball and I like to make people happy. I've made it very clear to my boss (who is very understanding) that my family comes first. I will be working 2 maybe 3 nights a week. I will be earning extra income and with a family of SIX this will be a blessing.
Here's what I DON'T want people to think...
We're dirt poor
My husband is making me work
I'm trying to get away from my family
Thanks for everyone being supportive!
My husband is very supportive of everything I do. And I do not do things without consulting him first. I decided to wait tables at night for the simple fact of just getting out of the house for a few hours. I love my kids but I am very seldom away from them. If you know me then you know that I also love people. I need to be around people. I like to be a goof ball and I like to make people happy. I've made it very clear to my boss (who is very understanding) that my family comes first. I will be working 2 maybe 3 nights a week. I will be earning extra income and with a family of SIX this will be a blessing.
Here's what I DON'T want people to think...
We're dirt poor
My husband is making me work
I'm trying to get away from my family
Thanks for everyone being supportive!
yes vickie
i work from home for a lawyer, sell stuff on ebay and payu2blog... am now i'm a waitress!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I got another job! I'm waiting tables a few nights a week to get myself out of the house and to earn some extra money. Its great! I used to do it when I got out of master's and i loved it then too.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Yes I know I did my post backwards so scroll down if you wanna start at the beginning!
If not, here's what you're looking at. This past Saturday we went to the Sunshine Farms in Maplesville. Afterwards we came home and decorated our pumpkins. We had a blast! Here's some pictures!
If not, here's what you're looking at. This past Saturday we went to the Sunshine Farms in Maplesville. Afterwards we came home and decorated our pumpkins. We had a blast! Here's some pictures!
Pumpkin Time
None of us had ever carved pumpkins before... we've always painted them. But this year we painted one side and carved the other side.
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