Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm still alive

I know my post have been few and far between lately but I'm pretty busy. I was talking with Jamie the other day and we both agreed that facebook is easier b/c it only takes a minute to put up a little status update and be done.

Summer is here and my kids are home with me every day. I'm still potty training the boys. Jeremiah is waaay ahead of Jacob but every now and then we can convince Jacob to potty. I'm really not stressing about it b/c IF I have too... I can keep them home next year and go to school at night. It would be harder and I would have to really discipline myself. I'd be going to school 4 nights a week.

Classes are good. I'm really surprising myself in psychology... I didn't realize how much stuff I had retained. He asks us questions and I know the answers! LOL The smaller class makes me more accountable. I read my chapters b/c he's going to know if I didn't since we have a small class. My new testament class is harder than I thought. I don't know if harder is the right word but its a lot of reading. We have to participate in discussions on the forum and at the end of each week we have a quiz. The quiz part doesn't bother me.... its the discussion part that does. I'm not good at putting my thoughts down and there's a lot of pressure there. Some of those people are extremely smart and I'm intimidated by how well they express themselves.

Next week Jessica is going to basketball camp. I've gotten used to her being here. Not only is she a big help but she's someone I can somewhat have conversations with. We can sit and watch TV during naptime and just hang out.

Well I'd better get off here. I've got some stuff I need to do. How's everyone summer?

1 comment:

Staci said...

School just got out this past Wednesday for us, so summer is just now getting here! I am excited about summer and nervous too- since I will have such a big belly! I am tired most of the time as it is, the heat makes it worse! Our JUNE month is already all planned out- not sure what is in store for JULY- if we come through bama, I will let you know!!!!