I hate it when I put things off... esp when I KNOW they need to be done. Today I did it... finally. Now if I can just stick with it!
btw i balanced my checkbook :)
4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Our Weekend Getaway with the Boys
I tried to add more pics but they got out of order and I'm too lazy to try and fix them. Saturday night we had 30lbs of crawfish... I had 4 plates (maybe more).
Friday, June 26, 2009
My Bucket List
I don't have one but this is something I would love to do!
Whats something you've always wanted to do???
Thursday, June 25, 2009
woot woot
I made a 94 on my psy test. To be honest I was kinda disappointed b/c I wanted to make a perfect score but I'll take a 94. One girl made a 60 and another one made a 74... so 94 is waaaay better.
Momma and her boys!
School is going good. I have my first test tonight in psychology... not panicing :)
My girls are gone on a trip with my mom. This is the first year Darcy's gone on the 'girls trip' and i'm a little nervous. I hope all goes well.
Matthew and I are taking the boys to my uncle and aunts house near dauphin island. My dad is going too. We hope to spend some good ole quality time with the boys. They'll get every bit of our attention. We'll spend Saturday at the beach doing whatever they want us to do! We may even take them fishing on the big boat. They'll love that!!! I remember spending my summers with my aunt and uncle and taking many trips on the boat. We used to go to this one little island that was covered hermit crabs.
While I was typing that last sentence my aunt called to tell me that my cousin was going to take off work and wanted to take us to the island. Isn't that funny how God works. Here I am typing about childhood memories and she calls to tell me that. neat. anyways... I'm really excited about spending time with my boys over the weekend.
My girls are gone on a trip with my mom. This is the first year Darcy's gone on the 'girls trip' and i'm a little nervous. I hope all goes well.
Matthew and I are taking the boys to my uncle and aunts house near dauphin island. My dad is going too. We hope to spend some good ole quality time with the boys. They'll get every bit of our attention. We'll spend Saturday at the beach doing whatever they want us to do! We may even take them fishing on the big boat. They'll love that!!! I remember spending my summers with my aunt and uncle and taking many trips on the boat. We used to go to this one little island that was covered hermit crabs.
While I was typing that last sentence my aunt called to tell me that my cousin was going to take off work and wanted to take us to the island. Isn't that funny how God works. Here I am typing about childhood memories and she calls to tell me that. neat. anyways... I'm really excited about spending time with my boys over the weekend.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Keeping you informed :)
Matthew went to work today but he shouldn't have... he's having a horrible day. His bandage slipped off b/c its all sweaty but he was able to wrap it again. He's hot, weak and his stomach is messed up... I know its b/c he's on slight pain meds and in the heat. He has to drive his truck on the site and so far he's had to jump it off 3x and right now he's working on it. His poor thumb is throbbing.
Aunt Helen is doing good. She didn't have a pacemaker put in. They're keeping her to regulate her medicine and all that jazz.
Jessica and Darcy are leaving Wednesday to go on their girls trip with my mom. They'll be back next Tuesday. Pray for a safe trip. I'm a little nervous about Darcy... I just know she's a lot to handle.
We're going to visit my uncle and aunt this weekend... they live near dauphin island. It will be a fun trip with the boys.
Oh... Jessica had a great time at camp!
Aunt Helen is doing good. She didn't have a pacemaker put in. They're keeping her to regulate her medicine and all that jazz.
Jessica and Darcy are leaving Wednesday to go on their girls trip with my mom. They'll be back next Tuesday. Pray for a safe trip. I'm a little nervous about Darcy... I just know she's a lot to handle.
We're going to visit my uncle and aunt this weekend... they live near dauphin island. It will be a fun trip with the boys.
Oh... Jessica had a great time at camp!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Matthew called me a little after 11am this morning to tell me he cut his finger and needed to go to the emergency room. I knew he was hurting but I had no idea. He was working near the house so he was able to drive himself home and then I took him to the ER. It was taped up when he got home so I didn't get to see it until we were in the ER. He didn't have to have stitches... they cut the "flap" off and took an Xray... he broke his thumb! Smashed actually. Poor hubby. He's in a lot of pain... he said its hurting more tonight then it did while were in the ER.
Warning... Pics are graphic :)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Jessica should be here any minute. They came back a day early and I know she's tired. She's been hoarse most of the week. I may be traveling to Dothan tomorrow to visit Aunt Helen... still trying to get things lined up for the kids... Matthew is working tomorrow.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tee Tee in the Potty!
I thought I'd give you a quick update on my potty training adventures. Jeremiah is doing pretty good. He tells us when he has to go potty. Just #1... #2 hasn't happened yet but I know its the hardest to accomplish. Jacob is getting better too. He's atleast sitting on the toilet which is waaay more than what he was doing. And every now and then he'll tee tee too. They're wearing diapers at nap time and bedtime... and a lot during the day but they don't tee tee in them as much. And we've been trying to get them to dress themselves... I didn't realize how much I've been holding them back by doing everything for them. But even if they learn to tee tee they still can't pull their pants down and up by themselves.
Aunt Helen
They've postponed putting in the pacemaker. She has MRSA and they're observing her. I'm not really sure whats going on but Matt's dad is on his way there and hopefully we can find out more. Thanks for your prayers.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Please PRAY!!
Aunt Helen is in the hospital. I don't know all the details but her heart stopped this morning and they were able to bring her back. She's in the cardiac unit.... I'm assuming at a hospital in Dothan (she has several "homes").
I realize she's 87 years old but its still very hard to think of her not being here. I love this lady like she was my grandmother. She's everything I want to be when I reach her age. She's a FIREBALL!! She was up here a few weeks back and she stayed a week... we saw her as much as we could but now I'm wishing I could have seen her more.
I just got an email saying they were going to put a pacemaker in on Thursday... PLEASE PRAY!
I realize she's 87 years old but its still very hard to think of her not being here. I love this lady like she was my grandmother. She's everything I want to be when I reach her age. She's a FIREBALL!! She was up here a few weeks back and she stayed a week... we saw her as much as we could but now I'm wishing I could have seen her more.
I just got an email saying they were going to put a pacemaker in on Thursday... PLEASE PRAY!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Advanced Weight Loss Clinic
Have any of you visited the Advanced Weight Loss Clinic? Do you know of anyone who's gone there? I've had a few friends go there but I didn't really know exactly what they did there. But I found their website and read up on it. I'm going to make an appointment sometime next week. I need to find out all the cost involved. So far I know that you get 3 shots weekly or every other week (which ever you prefer) and its $35 for the shots. I know there's a start up fee but I'm not sure what thats all about.
Check out there site... Advanced Weight Loss Clinic
Check out there site... Advanced Weight Loss Clinic
Catching Up
We had a fairly uneventful weekend. Matthew didn't work but he and his dad worked on the house. They're trying to beat the roof guys. The new roof is being installed on July 8th! Again, if you need a new roof or just think you want one... let me know! Remember its costing us a few hundred dollars! This guy is legit. Our roof had hail damage and most roofs do! He came out to our house and went over everything with us. Its simple and hassel free!
Jessica left this morning for basketball camp. They raised enough money to pay for camp but we've spent so much money just buying all the stuff she'll need for camp. Thankfully grandparents helped. Pray that the girls come back unified. All that drama I shared with you all a while back with the girls picking on each other... well they're part of the team so pray!
School is going.... its taking a lot of time and I have to make myself leave the house but once I'm there I love it. I love my teacher! My online class is alright... I don't know if online is my thing or not. You have to be pretty disciplined to make yourself do your assignments. Some classes are fairly easy and you go at your own pace but this class is not that way. Its one week at a time... no getting ahead!
Jessica left this morning for basketball camp. They raised enough money to pay for camp but we've spent so much money just buying all the stuff she'll need for camp. Thankfully grandparents helped. Pray that the girls come back unified. All that drama I shared with you all a while back with the girls picking on each other... well they're part of the team so pray!
School is going.... its taking a lot of time and I have to make myself leave the house but once I'm there I love it. I love my teacher! My online class is alright... I don't know if online is my thing or not. You have to be pretty disciplined to make yourself do your assignments. Some classes are fairly easy and you go at your own pace but this class is not that way. Its one week at a time... no getting ahead!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I've been thinking about Nursing lately and what area I would like to go into. There's soooo many different things to chose from and I want to make the best choice. In my psychology class 5 out of 6 of us are going into nursing. They're always talking about what they want to do and how much different nurses make... well of course I wanna get the most I can after putting forth so much effort. This is where YOU come in... tell me what you know about nursing and the different areas. I know I have a few nurses that read :)
I'm still alive
I know my post have been few and far between lately but I'm pretty busy. I was talking with Jamie the other day and we both agreed that facebook is easier b/c it only takes a minute to put up a little status update and be done.
Summer is here and my kids are home with me every day. I'm still potty training the boys. Jeremiah is waaay ahead of Jacob but every now and then we can convince Jacob to potty. I'm really not stressing about it b/c IF I have too... I can keep them home next year and go to school at night. It would be harder and I would have to really discipline myself. I'd be going to school 4 nights a week.
Classes are good. I'm really surprising myself in psychology... I didn't realize how much stuff I had retained. He asks us questions and I know the answers! LOL The smaller class makes me more accountable. I read my chapters b/c he's going to know if I didn't since we have a small class. My new testament class is harder than I thought. I don't know if harder is the right word but its a lot of reading. We have to participate in discussions on the forum and at the end of each week we have a quiz. The quiz part doesn't bother me.... its the discussion part that does. I'm not good at putting my thoughts down and there's a lot of pressure there. Some of those people are extremely smart and I'm intimidated by how well they express themselves.
Next week Jessica is going to basketball camp. I've gotten used to her being here. Not only is she a big help but she's someone I can somewhat have conversations with. We can sit and watch TV during naptime and just hang out.
Well I'd better get off here. I've got some stuff I need to do. How's everyone summer?
Summer is here and my kids are home with me every day. I'm still potty training the boys. Jeremiah is waaay ahead of Jacob but every now and then we can convince Jacob to potty. I'm really not stressing about it b/c IF I have too... I can keep them home next year and go to school at night. It would be harder and I would have to really discipline myself. I'd be going to school 4 nights a week.
Classes are good. I'm really surprising myself in psychology... I didn't realize how much stuff I had retained. He asks us questions and I know the answers! LOL The smaller class makes me more accountable. I read my chapters b/c he's going to know if I didn't since we have a small class. My new testament class is harder than I thought. I don't know if harder is the right word but its a lot of reading. We have to participate in discussions on the forum and at the end of each week we have a quiz. The quiz part doesn't bother me.... its the discussion part that does. I'm not good at putting my thoughts down and there's a lot of pressure there. Some of those people are extremely smart and I'm intimidated by how well they express themselves.
Next week Jessica is going to basketball camp. I've gotten used to her being here. Not only is she a big help but she's someone I can somewhat have conversations with. We can sit and watch TV during naptime and just hang out.
Well I'd better get off here. I've got some stuff I need to do. How's everyone summer?
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Its Going...
School started this past week. I have the same psychology teacher for my 210 class. There's 6 of us total in the class this semester. 5 of us had it together last semester. Its going to be a good semester. My New Testament class has got me a little worried but I think I'm going to be okay. There's a lot of reading... and every week we have a quiz on what we've read.
In other news... I'm potty training the boys and its not going so well. Jeremiah is doing alright but Jacob wants nothing to do with it. NOTHING! I have to get them potty trained before they can go to school next year.
Matthew's working today. I love that he's so close to home... somehow it helps to know he's only 12 minutes away. We've driven over there a few times to visit with him. One day this past week we had lunch together... in the car :)
We're getting a new roof at no cost to us. If you want details let me know I'll be happy to share my secret.... don't worry its very legit.
In other news... I'm potty training the boys and its not going so well. Jeremiah is doing alright but Jacob wants nothing to do with it. NOTHING! I have to get them potty trained before they can go to school next year.
Matthew's working today. I love that he's so close to home... somehow it helps to know he's only 12 minutes away. We've driven over there a few times to visit with him. One day this past week we had lunch together... in the car :)
We're getting a new roof at no cost to us. If you want details let me know I'll be happy to share my secret.... don't worry its very legit.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Busy Busy Bee
Thats ME! We stayed pretty busy this weekend. Aunt Helen is up visiting and we spent some time with them. Jessica and I went shopping with my mom and sister Sat & Sun looking for her a bathing suit... she found one AND so did I!!! Whooo hoooo! Sears had tons of suits and very cheap!!!
Matthew and I ate dinner with my parents Friday night at Mizu's... the sushi was good but the service was bad. And I wasn't impressed with my meal. I'd go again though.
School starts tomorrow and all the sudden I have that anxiety all over again.
Matthew and I ate dinner with my parents Friday night at Mizu's... the sushi was good but the service was bad. And I wasn't impressed with my meal. I'd go again though.
School starts tomorrow and all the sudden I have that anxiety all over again.
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