Wednesday, April 16, 2008

my hubby

I love that man!!! BUT sometimes.....

I bought a brand new box of corndogs on Sunday. Monday night I worked so he ate corndogs. Last night he confesses... he left the box of corndogs out overnight. The part that makes me mad is I saw the box ontop of the fridge but I thought it was the EMPTY box so I didn't touch it. GEEZ!!! If only....

oh well! thats only 9 bucks in the trash!!!! LOL


Anonymous said...

Oh I love corndogs! I know how it feels to see things go to waste. Once I made a really big pot of beef barley soup and gave a really big container of it to Cyrus. he later confessed he took it out of the fridge, heated up a bowl of it and accidentally left the container on the counter all night. It was like ½ gallon of homemade soup gone!

~Crystal~ said...

D has done the same thing, with different stuff on more then one occasion.