Monday, April 14, 2008

5 Things Game

I played I played!!!!!!

This is the 5 things that Mel started and so far Jamie and Crystal has played.

You take a picture of FIVE different things then you name FIVE different things in that thing!

My fridge....
1. Coffee in the freezer
2. 2 gallons of milk
3. A huge bottle of soy sauce that we bought at SAMS club to refil the smaller bottle
4. Yogurt
5. First Aid ice packs
This is my Arts and Crafts Closet in my office/computer room...

1. Files that I've closed are in the clear box at the top of my closet

2. Easter decorations that I have stored in the barn yet

3. Paint for all sorts of stuff

4. A sewing machine (you can't see it but its on the left side)

5. Boxes of pictures (on the left... the closet goes far to the left)

My pantry... We can't open the top left cabinet until we move the light fixture (we just remodeled the kitchen incase you missed those pics STACKIE!)

1. Toaster and other appliances

2. Paper products

3. lighter fluid

4. A small bottle of Jack Daniels (far left back corner on top shelf... it was part of our homemade cough syrup experiment)

5. Noodles of all sorts

My Purse...

1. My calendar to keep me organized

2. My cell phone

3. Lip gloss

4. sunglasses

5. wallet (which holds about 20 other important things!)

My 2002 Ford Explorer (I recently cleaned her out so there's not a much fun things like old fries and such)

1. 3 carseats

2. bottled water for emergency's

3. Diapers and wipes

4. Allergy medicine for matthew (we keep some in the car b/c we never know when he'll have an attack)

5. Air pump


~Crystal~ said...

Homemade cough syrup is the BEST!!! Do you make yours with peppermint? I have a sore throat today, maybe I "need" some of that stuff!

Glad you played!

Jamie said...

I'm glad you played too! We should play again in a couple of days with 5 other parts of our house!

Gretchen said...

I know hehe. Just haven't gotten everything, so I'm waiting to get it put together (another way of saying procrastinating hehe) Hopefully withing the next week or so, I'll have it done.