Friday, April 11, 2008

just one of those days

I've been feeling a little worn out and overwhelmed lately. I was looking forward to spending time with my hubby this weekend and having some help with the little ones. He just called me to ask if it was okay for him to work Saturday. Of course I told him it was okay. We're trying to pay for a vacation at the end of May so all the extra money helps. Jessica is spending the night with my parents tonight and I'm working at the pizza place. By the time I get home he'll have to go to bed. I won't have Jessica here tomorrow to keep me company and help out. It will be like every other day. I know I sound whinny... sorry.

Next week will be busy... M, Tue & F I'm working. W is church, Thurs Matthew has class. We won't see each other much.

On a positive note let me tell ya about this past Wednesday night. The girls and I went to a different church. Its actually my current pastors dads church. Its the school they'll be going to next year and its only 2 minutes away - if that long! I thought it would be nice to not have to drive so far to church. They have a lot of kids... our current church doesn't have any! They have Awana's for Darcy's age and Youth for Jessica. They both made friends right away. I was standing in the doorway of Darcy's class talking to her teacher before class... Darcy walked right in and turned around to ask me in this sweet little voice "mommy, where's my seat?" It was the sweetest thing!!! The teacher told me after class that Darcy loved snack time and afterwards keep asking for more snack. LOL I said "that sounds about right." I went upstairs for the adult bible study... I really enjoyed it! Matthew stayed home with the boys since their bedtime is 7 o'clock. We're going to start going there regularly.

leave comments... they cheer me up :)


Staci said...

Here is a cup of cheer!

~Crystal~ said...

Are you going to go there on Sunday's too? I know what you mean about going somewhere close. We were driving about 20-30 to get to church, depending on traffic. It's nice to drive 7-10. Much better. And so worth it.

Vickie said...

I am a believer in attending to a Church in your community if possible. That is where your roots are and if for any reason you need your Church family it is easier for them to be there for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Jamie said...

I have days and weeks like that, Nic. Like now... Hank is working a double today and some this weekend.