4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Vickie you will be soooo proud of me!!
tomorrow night i'm making a pillowcase dress with a friend!! I'll post pictures if it turns out cute! LOL
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
My boys moved into big boy beds last night... they were sorta forced to thanks to Jacob and his obession with crapping all over everything!!!!!! I found some new twin mattresses and bunk beds in the mule trader that will be delivered tomorrow. I borrowed these mattress from my sister. They did pretty well for their first night. At some point Jacob screamed so Matthew went to check on him and found that Jeremiah had stole his blanket.
We have a birds nest in the bush that is right next to our front porch. The other day when matthew got home he walked in front of the bush (not knowing) and the momma bird flew out and 'bout knocked him over!! He scared her but really she scared him! LOL
Monday, April 28, 2008
So my cousin's gf sent out a bulletin on myspace that I personally could not read without feeling the urge to comment back. It was about abortion. She is prochoice and I am PROLIFE! She was very rude in her bulletin. She attacked those that believed in prochoice and even resorted to name calling. Well you know me... I couldn't let that go. I emailed her back... did i mention i've only met this chick once and it was this past christmas? LOL I was very polite in my response b/c I was trying to be respectful but she has been everything but polite and her replies back to me. I don't really understand how she thought she could post a bulletin like that and not have to deal with people's feedback.... unless I'm the only one on her list of friends that feels that way. who knows... could be it! She accused me of trying to 'start' something with her... I was like um... no honey i just feel very passionate about prolife and I wasn't going to stay silent about it.
Anyways... can't wait to see her again and the next family gathering! LOL
Anyways... can't wait to see her again and the next family gathering! LOL
I'm pretty clueless when it comes to complex computer stuff like CAT6. Even after visiting the site I'm still not sure what exactly it is or if I need one. Who knows. I've thought about going to school to get a degree in computer tech but who knows if that will ever happen. I'd just like to widen my knowledge of computer stuff.
I hate losing but I love to lose weight!!!!! I've tried everything just about. If the stuff I'm about to start doesn't help then I'll try hoodia. I've seen it advertised all over the place... including Oprah! And well you know if Oprah says it then it must be good.... LOL!!!! She's the one that got me wearing spinx... if you don't know what that is then you probably don't need em. Its like a pantyhose type thing that keeps everything comfortably in place. I bought mine at Lane Bryant. I love em!
Have you ever needed a pen but couldn't find one... like seriously couldn't find something to write with? I have.... rarely happpens now because I keep an array of cheap pens all over the house. I've been forced to write with lip liner b/c I couldn't find a pen! I have stashed of pens all over now. Some I tend to use more than others. I also love sharpies and highlighters :)
unwanted phone calls
I know everyone gets those unwanted phone calls at the most unwanted times... dinner time! Some are telemarketers trying to sale you stuff but some are actually calling to do market research which is different. Those are the ones that do polls and things to figure out what we the people want/need. I try to participant in those type phone calls. Some times you even can gain free items or coupons by just giving your opinion.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I posted this on my xanga today
Until this morning I couldn't remember anything that would have cause me to hurt my shoulder.... the light bulb went off in my head and I realized that Monday afternoon I lifted the barn door open by myself. Its actually a garage door but it had fallen off its tracks or something to do with the springs... anyways I HAD to open the door b/c someone was coming up over to buy our old stove!
Tuesday morning I work up with my shoulder extremely sore. I thought that I had just slept on it wrong. My favorite sleeping position is laying on my belly with my left arm bent under my pillow. As the day went on it wasn't getting better.
Wednesday I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor. *** I'd rather see him b/c a doctor would only give me pain meds which would/could resort in me injurying it further b/c I wouldn't feel it due to the drugs!*** Anyways so I left my house around 10 till 5pm and headed 2 exits north to Calera. Just about half between the exit I got on and the next exit I came to a STOP!!! I ended sitting in the HOT sun for 45 - FORTY FIVE MINUTES with the sun beating down on me!! I eventually turned off my car for fear that it would run hot. Everyone else seemed to have turned theres off too. I had this sudden panic attack that OMG!! WHAT IF... I have to go to the bathroom... then I started thinking I was thirsty... like really thirsty. Finally we were able to crank up our cars and TAKE OFF. Seriously one minute we're completely stopped and the next minute we're flying down the interstate!!! I never saw any signs of a wreck!!!!!!!!!!!! I made it to the doctor just minutes before he closed but he's a nice doctor so he stayed just for me :) He had me do a series of 'test' to see exactly what/where it was hurting. He did some other stuff then he taped me up and told me no lifting. I laughed and asked him if he was coming home with me tonight. He knows I have a house full of kids!!!!!! What was he thinking - no lifting! HA! $180 later I head home. Gotta go back Monday!!!!!
Anyways... today is Thursday and I've had some other bad news come up... not that I'm ready to share but just pray. My shoulder is SORE! I think its hurting worse than before he tapped it up! I'm supposed to go to a pamered chef party in a few hours and I'm really looking forward to the girl time. Sucks that I have no money to buy anything but it will still be fun.
Tuesday morning I work up with my shoulder extremely sore. I thought that I had just slept on it wrong. My favorite sleeping position is laying on my belly with my left arm bent under my pillow. As the day went on it wasn't getting better.
Wednesday I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor. *** I'd rather see him b/c a doctor would only give me pain meds which would/could resort in me injurying it further b/c I wouldn't feel it due to the drugs!*** Anyways so I left my house around 10 till 5pm and headed 2 exits north to Calera. Just about half between the exit I got on and the next exit I came to a STOP!!! I ended sitting in the HOT sun for 45 - FORTY FIVE MINUTES with the sun beating down on me!! I eventually turned off my car for fear that it would run hot. Everyone else seemed to have turned theres off too. I had this sudden panic attack that OMG!! WHAT IF... I have to go to the bathroom... then I started thinking I was thirsty... like really thirsty. Finally we were able to crank up our cars and TAKE OFF. Seriously one minute we're completely stopped and the next minute we're flying down the interstate!!! I never saw any signs of a wreck!!!!!!!!!!!! I made it to the doctor just minutes before he closed but he's a nice doctor so he stayed just for me :) He had me do a series of 'test' to see exactly what/where it was hurting. He did some other stuff then he taped me up and told me no lifting. I laughed and asked him if he was coming home with me tonight. He knows I have a house full of kids!!!!!! What was he thinking - no lifting! HA! $180 later I head home. Gotta go back Monday!!!!!
Anyways... today is Thursday and I've had some other bad news come up... not that I'm ready to share but just pray. My shoulder is SORE! I think its hurting worse than before he tapped it up! I'm supposed to go to a pamered chef party in a few hours and I'm really looking forward to the girl time. Sucks that I have no money to buy anything but it will still be fun.
i don't feel like going into all the details on here right now but please pray for me. i'm feeling pretty discouraged right now about a lot of different things. i just wanna cry.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I've messed up my Rotator Cuff
I went to the chiropractor today. He taped it up and told me to ice it down. He said no lifting... I asked him if he was coming home with me to take care of my kids and he laughed. I have to keep it close (wished he'd give me a sling) or else I may have to have surgery. I have another apointment Monday. Today he treated me with the electrical thingy and it seemed to help a bit but now that its taped up it makes it really tight which makes my neck muscles strain. I iced it down with a bag of frozen peas... it helped relieve the tension. Please pray for me... I didn't realize how much I use my left arm until recently.
What Is a Torn Rotator Cuff? One or more rotator cuff tendons may become inflamed from overuse, aging, a fall on an outstretched hand, or a collision. Sports requiring repeated overhead arm motion or occupations requiring heavy lifting also place a strain on rotator cuff tendons and muscles. Normally tendons are strong, but a longstanding wearing down process may lead to a tearWhat Are the Signs of a Torn Rotator Cuff?
Typically, a person with a rotator cuff injury feels pain over the deltoid muscle at the top and outer side of the shoulder, especially when the arm is raised or extended out from the side of the body. Motions like those involved in getting dressed can be painful. The shoulder may feel weak, especially when trying to lift the arm into a horizontal position. A person may also feel or hear a click or pop when the shoulder is moved.
How Is a Torn Rotator Cuff Diagnosed?
Pain or weakness on outward or inward rotation of the arm may indicate a tear in a rotator cuff tendon. The patient also feels pain when lowering the arm to the side after the shoulder is moved backward and the arm is raised. A doctor may detect weakness but may not be able to determine from a physical examination where the tear is located. X rays, if taken, may appear normal. An MRI can help detect a full tendon tear, but does not detect partial tears. If the pain disappears after the doctor injects a small amount of anesthetic into the area, impingement is likely to be present. If there is no response to treatment, the doctor may use an arthrogram, rather than an MRI, to inspect the injured area and confirm the diagnosis.
How is a Torn Rotator Cuff Treated?
Doctors usually recommend that patients with a rotator cuff injury rest the shoulder, apply heat or cold to the sore area, and take medicine to relieve pain and inflammation. Other treatments might be added, such as electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves, ultrasound, or a cortisone injection near the inflamed area of the rotator cuff. The patient may need to wear a sling for a few days. If surgery is not an immediate consideration, exercises are added to the treatment program to build flexibility and strength and restore the shoulder's function. If there is no improvement with these conservative treatments and functional impairment persists, the doctor may perform arthroscopic or open surgical repair of the torn rotator cuff
What Is a Torn Rotator Cuff? One or more rotator cuff tendons may become inflamed from overuse, aging, a fall on an outstretched hand, or a collision. Sports requiring repeated overhead arm motion or occupations requiring heavy lifting also place a strain on rotator cuff tendons and muscles. Normally tendons are strong, but a longstanding wearing down process may lead to a tearWhat Are the Signs of a Torn Rotator Cuff?
Typically, a person with a rotator cuff injury feels pain over the deltoid muscle at the top and outer side of the shoulder, especially when the arm is raised or extended out from the side of the body. Motions like those involved in getting dressed can be painful. The shoulder may feel weak, especially when trying to lift the arm into a horizontal position. A person may also feel or hear a click or pop when the shoulder is moved.
How Is a Torn Rotator Cuff Diagnosed?
Pain or weakness on outward or inward rotation of the arm may indicate a tear in a rotator cuff tendon. The patient also feels pain when lowering the arm to the side after the shoulder is moved backward and the arm is raised. A doctor may detect weakness but may not be able to determine from a physical examination where the tear is located. X rays, if taken, may appear normal. An MRI can help detect a full tendon tear, but does not detect partial tears. If the pain disappears after the doctor injects a small amount of anesthetic into the area, impingement is likely to be present. If there is no response to treatment, the doctor may use an arthrogram, rather than an MRI, to inspect the injured area and confirm the diagnosis.
How is a Torn Rotator Cuff Treated?
Doctors usually recommend that patients with a rotator cuff injury rest the shoulder, apply heat or cold to the sore area, and take medicine to relieve pain and inflammation. Other treatments might be added, such as electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves, ultrasound, or a cortisone injection near the inflamed area of the rotator cuff. The patient may need to wear a sling for a few days. If surgery is not an immediate consideration, exercises are added to the treatment program to build flexibility and strength and restore the shoulder's function. If there is no improvement with these conservative treatments and functional impairment persists, the doctor may perform arthroscopic or open surgical repair of the torn rotator cuff
My A/C is out...
we had problems with it all summer last summer.
I'm ill!
please pray cause I don't feel like it!
The breaker outside was tripped!! PTL
Favorite TV shows
Here's a list of my current favorites... let me know which ones we have in common!
Jon & Kate plus 8
Deadliest Catch
The Alaskan Experiment (premier was last night)
Man vs. Wild
Dirty Jobs
Flip this house
Flip that house
Wife Swap
Martha Stewart
American Idol
I'm sure I'm forgetting some... I'm a big fan of the Discovery channel!!! This week is Alaskan week!!!!!!
Jon & Kate plus 8
Deadliest Catch
The Alaskan Experiment (premier was last night)
Man vs. Wild
Dirty Jobs
Flip this house
Flip that house
Wife Swap
Martha Stewart
American Idol
I'm sure I'm forgetting some... I'm a big fan of the Discovery channel!!! This week is Alaskan week!!!!!!
aches & pains
I've done something to my left shoulder... not sure what but I woke up yesterday morning and it was sore. Its still sore today. It hurts to move my arm... I didn't realize how much I use my left arm until yesterday. I can't not use it... so please pray it will stop hurting!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Our local fox 6 news station has a segment during the 12:30pm news called
Its a local lady who shares the latest deals... right now theres a good one if you plan on flying out of birmingham to either Nashville or New Orleans... you can get a ticket for $29!!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
So far I've found the following coupons...
$2.50 off any Tylenol Sinus/Allergy product
$1.00 off Opti Free ReplenSIH
$3.00 off on any 2 Nair Pretty products
$2.00 off SudaCare Advanced Vapor Plug-Ins or Shower Soothers (love the shower soothers)
$2.00 off glad plugins
$.80 cents off 2 Yoplait Yogurt (my kids eat this like crazy)
$3.00 off Bausch & Lomb Anthihistamine Eye Drops
$8.00 off Science Diet dog food
$1.00 off Motrin products
$2.00 off Zyrtec products
$1.00 off any SeaPak item (my kids love the popcorn shrimp)
$1.00 off any SeaPak Naturals item
$1.00 off Lever 2000 soap
$1.00 off Huggies Little Swimmers
$.55 cents off Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal
$1.00 off on 3 packages of Birdseye frozen veggies
$1.00 off on Aleve
$3.00 off on any 2 Huggies Cleanteam Products
Isn't that exciting!!!!
Can You Help????

This beautiful child needs your help! With the strength of her Christian faith, her mother refused to take doctor's advice of a late term abortion. Little Marianna requires 24 hour attention, which has caused a major strain on her family. They are VERY appreciative of any and all assitance they get... but are asking for any and all help:"We live in a small 2 bedroom non Wheel-Chair Accessible Mobile home, without an Air Conditioner and our Washing machine is broken, so therefore we are having to use the Laundry Mat, which is very very expensive on our tight budget .. Maybe someone can help us with Diapers, Baby Formula, a Washing machine, or even some time of ventilation for our house, such as a window fan or something to help through the summer... Any thing you can do to help us would be greatly appreciated, and please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.. "If you would like to help this family... contact our producer Rock at rock@magic96.com or leave him a message at 205-439-8176
i saw this online today when I was checking out a local radio station's site... I'm sure there's something we all can do...
keep reading!!!
I know you're about to be overloaded with post that you think are a waste of time but I've tried to tie them in with real things going on in our lives. "them" are the post I do for a website called payu2blog.
I also posted pics from our weekend trip to Elamville so just be patient and keep reading!!!!
I also posted pics from our weekend trip to Elamville so just be patient and keep reading!!!!
Part of life
Jessica was upset the other day b/c she had a bump on her face. It was a very small bump... not really even a pimple. I told her it was part of life but she wasn't happy. For the most part she has really good skin... could be b/c I've stressed the importance of taking care of it. She's been washing her face at night for years. But I know when kids reach puberty it doesn't matter how much that wash their face... some of it just can't be avoided. I'll have to look into some sort of natural acne treatments to see what we can do to prevent major break outs.
Thankfully I will not be needing any maternity clothes for a long time... if ever again. I invested in a bunch of clothes. It was really hard to find shirts that would fit me right. I ended up letting someone *borrow* them but I've never gotten them back. At one time I wanted to sale them on ebay but oh well for that idea. She needs them more than me... infact she's pregnant again right now and is probably wearing them! LOL
Sale papers
I'm addicted to sales papers. Last week our local hardware store sent out a really big book of spring stuff. I loved looking through it... it had anything from flowers to air tools on sale. I told Matthew we needed to go shopping!!! We're supposed to be buying supplies to plant our garden... we're a little behind. But hopefully we can still plant some things that will still produce for us. We'll see.
Father's Day Gift
If anyone needs a few ideas for Father's day here's a place that has great mens gold watches for great prices. I'm not sure what I'm going to get my dad. Maybe something for Alabama football.... or some smell good stuff. Matthew will probably get a book from the kids... and I'm not sure about his dad yet either. I tend to buy him clothes cause he needs my help with his wardrobe LOL wink wink ;)
Beach Bound!
We're leaving for the beach on May 30th and I can hardly weight. I've been stocking piling stuff for weeks and months now. I've got all sorts of beach equipment, chairs, tents, coolers and lots of floats and toys. I've gotten the kids some cute clothes. The boys have some cute boardshorts to wear. Darcy has a few sundresses and Jessica has got some cute stuff too! We're counting down the days until we leave!!!
I had never heard of this before so I had to look it up!!! Sounds like something I could definitely benefit from!!! Seriously!!! Matthew is so against me using anything other than excersize and diet to lose weight but if Orovo has got something that will do it quicker than I'm all for it!!!! They've got this one thing that says you can lose 7 - 14lbs in 7 days and its less than $6 a bottle!!! I'm soooo on that!!! Have you ever heard of this stuff??
I seriously just ordered a bottle of their 7 day wonder pill! I'll let you know how it works for me!
Older homes
On our way to Elamville, AL we pass through Brundidge, Al... the antique capitol of the world... or maybe not. But it is pretty well know for its antique's. Anyways... there's a lot of old looking houses with the big wrap around porches and fiberglass columns. Some of the houses have been restored and some are falling down. I'd love to restore one of those homes. They're beautiful!
Back problems
After sleeping in a small double bed with Jessica and laying in the same position all night long my back is kinda stiff. She moved around a bunch but I tried to keep still because the bed squeaked everytime you moved!!! It was pretty funny. Matthew and Darcy slept in a twin bed in the same room as Jessica and I. It was a very small room... we felt cozy. LOL I would like to have one of those adjustable beds where you can set your side to a position thats comfortable to you.
Road Trip
We went to Elamville, AL to visit Matt's family. The girls rode with Papa D & Grandmaw. We left around 8ish Saturday morning and came back Sunday afternoon. It was a nice trip.
Jacob on the left and Jeremiah on the right. Our boys don't mind long car rides... I guess their used to taking Jessica to school every morning. Jeremiah sucked on his blanket the entire way down!
Country fun
Big Hit
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